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Court Decisions

We keep a comprehensive record of court decisions in New Zealand defamation cases.

For whatever you’re researching – substantive decisions, interlocutory decisions, trial rulings, media applications and more.

We keep a comprehensive record of court decisions.

Our database currently records almost all decisions since 2000.

A few points to note:

  • District Court decisions are hard to come by – only a limited number are recorded in legal databases and/or reported.  We can only provide what we can access.
  • If a decision has active suppression orders, naturally we don’t provide a downloadable PDF.  And sometimes we’ll need to omit any record of the decision itself.
  • There’s no copyright in court decisions, but there is in law-digest reports.  For this reason we provide original judgments (where available), although we also provide all citations we’re aware of.

We encourage lawyers and parties to send us decisions as they’re released, particularly those involved in District Court proceedings.  Equally, if you think we’ve missed a decision, feel free to get in touch:

CasesCitation(s)Judge, Court, PlaceIssuesJudgment
Christian v Bain
(18 April 2024)
[2024] NZSC 35Glazebrook, Ellen France & Kós JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decisionpdf
Nicol v Douglas
(11 April 2024)
[2024] NZHC 763Associate Judge Paulsen
High Court
Substantive decision: Application for judgment by consent – Defamation Act, s24 (declaration)pdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(13 March 2024)
[2024] NZHC 539Robinson J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs following susbtantive decision – scale costs – increased costs – reduced costs – certification for second counsel – Defamation Act, s43(2) (allegedly excessive damages claim)pdf
Malik v Syed
(7 March 2024)
[2024] NZCA 49Gilber and Thomas JJ
Court of Appeal
Leave decision: Application for extension of time to appealpdf
Jindal v Daruwalla
(6 March 2024)
[2024] NZHC 456Associate Judge Taylor
High Court
Costs decision: Costs following interlocutory decision pdf
Dew v Discovery NZ
(5 March 2024)
[2024] NZSC 21Glazebrook, Kós & Miller JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decisionpdf
Blomfield v Slater
(20 February 2024)
[2024] NZHC 228Johnstone J
High Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory – damages – aggravated damagespdf
Rex v NZME
(15 February 2024)
[2024] NZSC 10Glazebrook, Ellen France & Kós JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decisionpdf
Cao v Stuff
(31 January 2024)
[2024] NZHC 44Johnstone J
High Court
Substantive decision: RPIC – Defamation Act, s24: Declaration pdf
Young v Xiao
(8 December 2023)
[2023] NZHC 3583Associate Judge Sussock
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application by plaintiff for leave to file third-party noticespdf
Jindal v Daruwalla
(24 November 2023)
[2023] NZHC 3315Associate Judge Taylor
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application by defendant for strike out – security for costs – affidavit admissibilitypdf
Dew v Discovery NZ
(23 November 2023)
[2023] NZCA 589Cooper P, French & Goddard JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Application for interim injunctionpdf
Christian v Bain
(17 November 2023)
[2023] NZCA 579,
[2023] 3 NZLR 860
Miller, Brown & Courtney JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive and costs decisions: Publication – meanings – RPIC – honest opinionpdf
Jindal v Kamal
(25 October 2023)
[2023] NZHC 2990Associate Judge Skelton
High Court
Costs decision: Costs following successful application for security for costs – Calderbank offerpdf
Jindal v Kamal
(9 October 2023)
[2023] NZHC 2820Associate Judge Skelton
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application by defendants for security for costspdf
Rex v NZME
(28 September 2023)
[2023] NZCA 469French, Goddard & Wylie JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Non-publication orders ancillary to pre-publication interim injunctionpdf
Wilson Parking v DLA Piper
(28 September 2023)
[2023] NZHC 2705Associate Judge Brittain
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application by second defendant for summary judgment and/or strike out – meanings – defamatory – threshold of harm – Defamation Act: s6 (pecuniary loss to body corporate) – Fait Trading Act: s9 (misleading and deceptive conduct)pdf
R v Discovery NZ
(8 September 2023)
[2023] NZHC 2533Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for interim injunctionpdf
Yu v Xia
(5 September 2023)
[2023] NZHC 2485Paul Davison J
High Court
Costs decision: Application by plaintiff for costs following defendant's withdrawn interlocutory applicationpdf
McCullah v De Hek
(17 August 2023)
[2023] NZHC 2230Associate Judge Paulsen
High Court
Costs decision: Costs following discontinued proceeding – indemnity costs – "gagging writ" pdf
Dew v Discovery NZ
(8 August 2023)
[2023] NZHC 2105Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for interim injunctionpdf
Castillo v Ybanez
(5 July 2023)
[2023] NZHC 1723Becroft J
High Court
Substantive decision: Formal proof – publication – publication by defendant – identification – meanings – defamatory – Defamation Act, s24(1) (declarations) – Defamation Act s24(2) (solicitor-client costs)pdf
AlKazaz v Deloitte
(26 June 2023)
[2023] NZHC 1592Associate Judge Gardiner
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of claim – limitation – late-knowledge dates – Defamation Act s37 (specification of statements sued upon)pdf
Bains v Singh
(23 June 2023)
[2023] NZHC 1566Associate Judge Taylor
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Leave to appeal interlocutory decision – honest opinion – qualified privilegepdf
Syed v Malik
(30 June 2023)
[2023] NZHC 1676Isac J
High Court
Substantive decision: Damages – joint and several liabilitypdf
Currie v Doe
(16 June 2023)
[2023] NZHC 1508Hinton J
High Court
Substantive decision: Formal proof – publication – meaning – defamatory – Defamation Act, s24 (declarations)pdf
Spring v Browne
(17 May 2023)
[2023] NZHC 1173Tahana J
High Court
Substantive decision: Injurious falsehood – falsity – publication – malice – qualified privilege pdf
Prasad v Raj
(18 April 2023)
[2023] NZHC 818Powell J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs following successful strike out of claim – increased costspdf
Talley's v TVNZ
(31 March 2023)
[2023] NZHC 696Associate Judge Gardiner
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike-out application by plaintiffs – truth – bad reputation pdf
Dooley v Claine
(31 March 2023)
[2023] NZDC 6058Judge Callaghan
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Non-party discoverypdf
Craig v Stringer
(29 March 2023)
[2023] NZHC 666Campbell J
High Court
Substantive decision: Publication – meaning – defamatory – truthpdf
Chiv v Dai
(16 March 2023)
[2023] NZHC 523Wylie J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Review of Registrar's decision re payment of hearing feespdf
Syed v Malik
(14 March 2023)
[2023] NZHC 496Isac J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for judge-alone trialpdf
Mutingwende v Petersen-Hodge
(13 March 2023)
[2023] NZHC 488Associate Judge Johnston
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of defences – truth – honest opinion – RPICpdf
Christian v Bain
(7 March 2023)
[2023] NZHC 424Walker J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs following substantive decision – scale costs – reduction of costs – increased costspdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(3 March 2023)
[2023] NZHC 385Robinson J
High Court
Substantive decision: RPIC – public interest – responsibility in publicationpdf
Bains v Singh
(28 February 2023)
[2023] NZHC 332Associate Judge Taylor
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – honest opinion – qualified privilegepdf
Christian v Bain
(14 December 2022)
[2022] NZHC 3408Walker J
High Court
Media application: Access to court documentspdf
Christian v Bain
(14 December 2022)
[2022] NZHC 3394Walker J
High Court
Substantive decision: publication by defendant – meaning – defamatory – RPIC – honest opinionpdf
Cook v Thomson
(14 December 2022)
[2022] NZHC 3373Associate Judge Lester
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Yu v Xia
(6 December 2022)
[2022] NZHC 3243Venning J
High Court
Substantive decision: Formal proof – publication – publication by the defendant – identification – meaning – defamatory – general damagespdf
Clarke v Fourth Estate
(2 December 2022)
[2022] NZHC 3221Robinson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Meaningpdf
Staples v Freeman
(14 November 2022)
[2022] NZHC 2972Doogue J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Parliamentary privilege pdf
Prasad v Raj
(11 November 2022)
[2022] NZHC 2960Powell J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of claim – Jameel abuse of process pdf
Spring v Williams
(29 August 2022)
[2022] NZHC 2165Campbell J
High Court
Substantive decision: Formal proof – publication – publication by the defendant – identification – meaning – defamatory – Defamation Act, s24 (declaration) – general damages – punitive damagespdf
BFW Ltd v Shi
(25 August 2022)
[2022] NZHC 2136Brewer J
High Court
Appeal of District Court summary judgment decision – identification – application to adduce further evidence on appealpdf
Adamson v Hutt Valley District Health Board
(29 July 2022)
[2022] NZHC 1860Associate Judge Johnston
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on successful interlocutory applicationpdf
Stringer v Craig
(21 July 2022)
[2022] NZHC 1764Palmer J
High Court
Costs decision: revised claim of legal fees as disbursement on indemnity basispdf
Rafiq v NZ Customs Service
(21 July 2022)
[2022] NZHC 1756Woolford J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Limitation – multiple-publication rule – abuse of processpdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(19 July 2022)
[2022] NZHC 1727Woolford J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Admissibility challenge on brief of evidencepdf
Adamson v Hutt Valley District Health Board
(15 June 2022)
[2022] NZHC 1403Associate Judge Johnston
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of claim – Defamation Act, s37 (meaning pleading requirements) – Jameel abuse of process – security for costspdf
Stringer v Craig
(9 May 2022)
[2022] NZCA 168Courtney, Woolford and Mander JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision: Application to adduce further evidence on appeal – fairness of consent judgment – qualified privilege (response to attack) – rebuttal of qualified privilege – honest opinion – appeal of costs award – legal fees as disbursement on indemnity basispdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(28 April 2022)
[2022] NZHC 865Campbell J
High Court
Costs decision: costs following admissibility challengepdf
Bosman v Christian
(28 April 2022)
[2022] NZHC 861Associate Judge Sussock
High Court
Costs decision: costs on summary judgment application where pleadings revised prior to hearingpdf
Clarke v Fourth Estate
(1 April 2022)
[2022] NZHC 649Associate Judge Gardiner
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for preliminary decision on meaningspdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(31 March 2022)
[2022] NZHC 644Campbell J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Pre-trial rulings on objections to briefs of evidence – expert evidencepdf
Mutingwende v Cooper-Taepa
(22 March 2022)
[2022] NZHC 540Cooke J
High Court
Substantive desision: Formal proof – meanings – publication – identification – s24 (declarations) – injunctionpdf
S v W
(10 December 2021)
[2021] NZCA 674Kós P and Gilbert J
Court of Appeal
Leave decision: Application to appeal High Court decision – absolute privilege – qualified privilege
Staples v Freeman
(30 November 2021)
[2021] NZHC 3237Doogue J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for recall of substantive decision by non-party – natural justice for non-party – parliamentary privilegepdf
Craig v Stringer
(24 November 2021)
[2021] NZHC 2906Campbell J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application by defendant for strike out of certain pleadingspdf
King v Smith
(24 November 2021)
[2021] NZCA 627Miller & Collins JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to bring appealspdf
Craig v MacGregor
(16 November 2021)
[2021] NZHC 3082Hinton J
High Court
Substantive decision: General damages – aggravated damages – punitive damages – costs – Defamation Act, s43(2) (grossly excessive damages)pdf
Christian v Bain
(22 October 2021)
[2021] NZHC 2834Gault J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Mode of trialpdf
Holm v Haden
(12 October 2021)
[2021] NZDC 20011Judge Smith
District Court
Substantive decision: 23 causes of action – meaning – defamatory – truth – general damages – aggravated damages – punitive damages – injunctionpdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(8 October 2021)
[2021] NZHC 2696Campbell J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application by plaintiff or leave to serve replacement brief of evidencepdf
Grishin v Bowie
(24 September 2021)
[2021] NZHC 2524Gendall J
High Court
Costs decision: Application by defendant to revisit costs orderpdf
Craig v MacGregor
(9 September 2021)
[2021] NZSC 112O'Regan, Ellen France and Williams JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decision – qualified privilege (response to attack)pdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(2 September 2021)
[2021] NZHC 2299Campbell J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Pre-trial rulings on objections to briefs of evidencepdf
BFW Ltd v Shi
(21 July 2021)
[2021] NZDC 14952Judge Sharp
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Applications for summary judgment and strike out by defendant – identificationpdf
Wislang v Makinson
(30 June 2021)
[2021] NZHC 1586Associate Judge Lester
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of claim – publication – limitationpdf
Smith v King
(29 June 2021)
[2021] NZHC 1557Gendall J
High Court
Costs decision: Defamation Act, s24(2) (quantum of solicitor-client costs)pdf
Staples v Freeman
(4 June 2021)
[2021] NZHC 1308Doogue J
High Court
Substantive decision: Formal proof claim against first defendant – publication – publication by defendant – meaning – Defamation Act, s24(1) (declaration) – damages – interest – costspdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(3 June 2021)
[2021] NZCA 226Goddard, Venning and Peters JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: extension of time for jury notice – discretion to grant leave to file jury notice out of timepdf
Christian v NZME
(2 June 2021)
[2021] NZHC 1278Associate Judge Sussock
High Court
Interocutory decision: Application by defendant to not be required to answer interrogatoriespdf
Smith v King
(31 May 2021)
[2021] NZHC 1252Gendall J
High Court
Substantive decision: Formal proof – publication – meaning – liability for third party's statement – Defamation Act, s24 (declaration and solicitor-client costs) – injunctionpdf
Grishin v Bowie
(27 May 2021)
[2021] NZHC 1204Gendall J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Pre-commencement discoverypdf
Hyndman v Mutch
(21 May 2021)
[2021] NZHC 1153Mander J
High Court
Appeal of District Court substantive decision: Identification – damagespdf
Craig v MacGregor
(4 May 2021)
[2021] NZCA 156Kós P, Clifford and Collins JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision: Truth – rebuttal of qualified privilegepdf
Sellman v Slater
(12 April 2021)
[2021] NZHC 762Walker J
High Court
Costs decision: Scale costs following substantive decision pdf
Sellman v Slater
(9 April 2021)
[2021] NZHC 752Walker J
High Court
Media application: Access to court documentspdf
Solomon v Prater
(12 March 2021)
[2021] NZHC 481Clark J
High Court
Substantive decision: Formal proof – publication – meaning – publication by defendant – damages – interest – costs – increased costs pdf
Fourth Estate v Joyce
(12 March 2021)
[2021] NZCA 61Miller, Brown and Goddard JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Recall – costs on cross-appealpdf
PQW v Mallard
(10 March 2021)
HC Wellington
10 March 2021
Churchman J
High Court
Media application: Access to court documentspdf
Exit Timeshare Now (N.Z.) v Classic Holidays
(9 March 2021)
[2021] NZHC 442Associate Judge Lester
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discoverypdf
Sellman v Slater
(8 March 2021)
[2021] NZHC 414Walker J
High Court
Substantive decision: Defamation Act, s24 (declarations) – costspdf
PQW v Mallard
(24 February 2021)
[2021] NZHC 269Churchman J
High Court
Media application: Access to court documentspdf
Stringer v Craig
(18 February 2021)
[2021] NZCA 19Miller, Clifford and Goddard JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to file case on appealpdf
Stringer v Craig
(16 February 2021)
[2021] NZSC 5O'Regan, Ellen France and Williams JJ
Supreme Court
Leave and interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to appeal – application for leave to appeal Court of Appeal costs decisionpdf
PQW v Mallard
(11 February 2021)
[2021] NZHC 126Churchman J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Suppression of plaintiff's identitypdf
Craig v Slater
(27 January 2021)
[2021] NZHC 30Edwards J
High Court
Substantive decision: Damagespdf
PQW v Mallard
(24 December 2020)
[2020] NZHC 3531Churchman J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Suppression of plaintiff's identitypdf
PQW v Mallard
(22 December 2020)
[2020] NZHC 3527Churchman J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Suppression of plaintiff's identitypdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(17 November 2020)
[2020] NZHC 2961Hinton J
High Court
Leave decision: application to appeal interlocutory decision – discretion to file jury noticepdf
Fourth Estate v Joyce
(9 October 2020)
[2020] NZCA 479
[2021] 2 NZLR 758
Miller, Brown & Goddard JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory – Defamation Act, s24 (declarations) – costspdf
Claims Resolution Service v Roberts
(5 October 2020)
[2020] NZHC 2605Mander J
High Court
Appeal of District Court Interlocutory decision: Stay in respect of overlapping proceedingspdf
Stringer v Craig
(27 August 2020)
[2020] NZHC 2210Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Stay of execution on enforcement of costs awardpdf
Sellman v Slater
(14 August 2020)
[2020] NZHC 2062Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Oral examination – discovery pdf
Exit Timeshare Now (N.Z.) v Classic Holidays
(13 August 2020)
[2020] NZHC 2046Associate Judge Lester
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costs – costs – case managementpdf
Hyndman v Mutch
(29 July 2021)
[2020] NZDC 14594Judge Callaghan
District Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – identification – honest opinion – damages (obiter) – costs pdf
Syed v Malik
(29 July 2020)
[2020] NZHC 1854Associate Judge Paulsen
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Costs on abandoned interlocutory applicationpdf
Craig v Slater
(23 July 2020)
[2020] NZCA 305Kós P, Gilbert and Wild JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory – threshold of harm – truth – honest opinion – RPIC – damages – costspdf
PQW v Mallard
(20 July 2020)
[2020] NZHC 1749Associate Judge Johnston
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Suppression of plaintiff's identity
Stringer v Craig
(16 July 2020)
[2020] NZCA 294French and Collins JJ
Court of Appeal
Leave decision: Application for extension of time to appealpdf
Craig v Stringer
(26 June 2020)
[2020] NZCA 260Kós P, Gilbert and Goddard JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Abuse of process pdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(12 June 2020)
[2020] NZHC 1240Hinton J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Procedure – application for extension of time to elect trial by jurypdf
Syed v Malik
(11 June 2020)
[2020] NZHC 1303Associate Judge Paulsen
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – Defamation Act, s30 (bad reputation)pdf
Joyce v Hooton
(11 June 2020)
[2020] NZHC 1299Jagose J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive decision – Defamation Act, s24(2) (solicitor-client costs on making of declaration)pdf
Slater v Sellman
(2 June 2020)
[2020] NZCA 207Kós P, Cooper and Clifford JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of appealpdf
Staples v Freeman
(26 May 2020)
[2020] NZHC 1124Dunningham J
High Court
Review of Associate Judge's decision on costspdf
Stringer v Craig
(18 May 2020)
[2020] NZHC 1021Palmer J
High Court
Costs on substantive hearing: Legal fees as disbursementspdf
Tectrax v Sealegs International
(1 May 2020)
[2020] NZHC 879Gordon J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decision – Increased costspdf
Nottingham v Maltese Cat
(17 April 2020)
[2020] NZSC 36O'Regan and Ellen France J
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decision – limitation – Defamation Act, s24(1) (declarations) – multiple-publication rulepdf
Whichman v TVNZ
(6 April 2020)
[2020] NZHC 696Whata J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding and/or summary judgment by defendants – Defamation Act, s37 (particulars of defamatory statements and meanings) – claims under NZBORA, Privacy Act and United Nations Convention Against Torture pdf
Stringer v Craig
(3 April 2020)
[2020] NZHC 644Palmer J
High Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory – truth – honest opinion – qualifed privilege (response to attack) – liability of moderatorpdf
Nottingham v Maltese Cat
(28 February 2020)
[2020] NZCA 31Courtney, Brewer and Gendall JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Recallpdf
Slater v Sellman
(19 December 2019)
[2019] NZCA 670Brown J
Court of Appeal
Review of Registrar's decision: Refusal to dispense with security for costs on appealpdf
Slater v Blomfield
(19 December 2019)
[2019] NZCA 664French, Miller and Stevens JJ
Court of Appeal
Costs decision: Costs on abandoned appeal – indemnity costs – increased costs – expert feespdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(18 December 2019)
[2019] NZCA 661Wild, Whata and Katz JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Meaningpdf
Joyce v Hooton
(17 December 2019)
[2019] NZHC 3356Jagose J
High Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory – truth – Defamation Act, s24 (declarations and solicitor-client costs) – leave to amend pleadings after close-of-pleadings datepdf
Nottingham v Maltese Cat
(12 December 2019)
[2019] NZCA 641Courtney, Brewer and Gendall JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Limitation – Defamation Act, s24 (whether declaratory relief and costs is a "money claim" for purposes of the Limitation Act 2010, s11)pdf
Driver v Radio NZ
(12 December 2019)
[2019] NZHC 3275Clark J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – limitation – Limitation Act 2010, s14 (late-knowledge dates) – declaratory relief – abuse of process – strike out of claim for invasion of privacypdf
Solomon v Prater
(20 November 2019)
[2019] NZHC 3024Associate Judge Johnston
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Procedure – unless orderspdf
Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association v Brett
(11 November 2019)
[2019] NZHC 2936Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – RPICpdf
Joyce v Hooton
(29 October 2019)
[2019] NZHC 2761Jagose J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Meaningpdf
Hunter v Ross
(19 October 2019)
[2019] NZHC 2489Grice J
High Court
Appeal of District Court substantive decision: Publication – meaning – whether defences should have been considered in formal-proof context – damagespdf
Hunter v Ross
(12 September 2019)
[2019] NZHC 2289Cooke J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costs on appealpdf
Craig v MacGregor
(6 September 2019)
[2019] NZHC 2247Hinton J
High Court
Substantive decision: Claim and counterclaim – meaning – truth – honest opinion – qualified privilege (professional advice) – qualified privilege (reply to attack) – RPIC – remediespdf
Nottingham v Maltese Cat
(22 August 2019)
[2019] NZSC 91William Young, O'Regan and Ellen France JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal interlocutory decision – recallpdf
Opai v Attorney-General
(7 August 2019)
[2019] NZHC 1915Brewer J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive decision – increased costs – reduced costspdf
Staples v Freeman
(23 July 2019)
[2019] NZHC 1745Dunningham J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to adduce further evidence for review of Associate Judge's costs decisionpdf
Solomon v Prater
(19 July 2019)
[2019] NZHC 1711Associate Judge Johnston
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – truth – honest opinionpdf
Sellman v Slater
(17 July 2019)
[2019] NZHC 1666Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Procedure – compliance by incapacitated and bankrupt defendantpdf
Craig v Williams
(17 July 2019)
[2019] NZSC 74Winkelmann CJ, Glazebrook, O'Regan, Ellen France and Joe Williams JJ
Supreme Court
Interlocutory decision: Stay on costs orderspdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(8 July 2019)
[2019] NZHC 1574Hinton J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interloctory decision pdf
Mediaworks v Staples
(1 July 2019)
[2019] NZCA 273Miller, Asher and Clifford JJ
Court of Appeal
Costs decision: Costs on appeal of High Court decision – second counselpdf
Craig v Williams
(25 June 2019)
[2019] NZSC 60Winkelmann CJ, Glazebrook, O'Regan, Ellen France and Joe Williams JJ
Supreme Court
Interlocutory application: Recall of Supreme Court decisionpdf
Nottingham v Maltese Cat
(24 June 2019)
[2019] NZCA 246Brown J
Court of Appeal
Review of Deputy Registrar's decision: Refusal to dispense with security for costs on appealpdf
Harvey v Mediaworks
(20 June 2019)
[2019] NZHC 1414Associate Judge Johnston
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Procedure – application to transfer to District Court – application for judge-alone trialpdf
Craig v Stringer
(17 June 2019)
[2019] NZHC 1363,
[2019] 3 NZLR 743
Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Abuse of process – estoppel – discovery – security for costspdf
Staples v Freeman
(14 June 2019)
[2019] NZHC 1347Associate Judge Lester
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decision and interlocutory appeal pdf
Wiremu v Ashby
(13 June 2019)
[2019] NZHC 1334Osborne J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive decision – application of District Court scale – Defamation Act, s43(2) (grossly excessive damages)pdf
Meehan v Fourth Estate
(11 June 2019)
[2019] NZHC 1285,
[2019] NZAR 1153
Associate Judge Andrew
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Defamation Act, s47 (stay of proceedings)pdf
Blomfield v Slater
(29 May 2019)
[2019] NZHC 1203Paul Davidson J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs following interlocutory decisions and vacated substantive fixture – increased costspdf
Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association v Brett
(15 May 2019)
[2019] NZCA 160Kós P and Clifford J
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Recallpdf
Mediaworks v Staples
(3 May 2019)
[2019] NZCA 133,
[2020] 2 NZLR 372
Miller, Asher and Clifford JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Journalistic privilege pdf
Staples v Freeman
(16 April 2019)
[2019] NZHC 839Associate Judge Lester
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discoverypdf
Craig v Williams
(11 April 2019)
[2019] NZSC 38,
[2019] 1 NZLR 457
Elias CJ, William Young, Glazebrook, Ellen France and Arnold JJ
Supreme Court
Appeal of Court of Appeal decision following jury trial: Appeal and cross-appeal – misdirection – qualified privilege – damagespdf
Chiv v Stuff
(10 April 2019)
[2019] NZHC 767Gordon J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for interim injunctionpdf
Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association v Brett
(26 March 2019)
[2019] NZCA 67,
[2019] 2 NZLR 808
Kós P, Clifford and Joe Williams JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision: Appeal and cross-appeal – consistency of settlement agreement with NZBORA – qualified privilegepdf
Wiremu v Ashby
(25 March 2019)
[2019] NZHC 558Osborne J
High Court
Substantive decision: Social media – meaning – truth – honest opinion – qualifed privilege (response to attack) – remediespdf
Sellman v Slater
(18 March 2019)
[2019] NZHC 467Palmer J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionspdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(13 March 2019)
[2019] NZHC 440Hinton J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Meaningpdf
Cato v Manaia Media
(18 February 2019)
[2019] NZHC 186Hinton J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on abandoned interlocutory applicationpdf
Blomfield v Slater
(15 February 2019)
[2018] NZHC 171Paul Davidson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to review suppression orders – costs on interlocutory decisionspdf
Ross v Hunter
(17 January 2019)
[2019] NZDC 319Judge Gibson
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Whether proceeding for which formal proof judgment entered were properly served – costs on substantive hearingpdf
Kazhegeldin v Radio NZ
(5 December 2018)
[2018] NZHC 3179Associate Judge Johnston
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – security for costs – procedure – Defanmation Act, s35 (convening of judicial conference)pdf
Lee v Lee
(30 November 2018)
[2018] NZHC 3136van Bohemen J
High Court
Substantive decision: Foreign-language publication – truth – honest opinion – RPIC – damagespdf
Stringer v Craig
(26 November 2018)
[2018] NZHC 3076Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – interrogatories – strike out of pleadings – strike out of proceeding – abuse of processpdf
Sellman v Slater
(23 November 2018)
[2018] NZHC 3057Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – interrogatories – strike outpdf
Wilson v Department of Corrections
(16 November 2018)
[2018] NZHC 2977Cooke J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike-out – qualified privilegepdf
Blomfield v Slater
(26 October 2018)
[2018] NZHC 2781Paul Davison J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Leave – pleadings – security for costs – stay – admissibilitypdf
Craig v Slater
(19 October 2018)
[2018] NZHC 2712Toogood J
High Court
Substantive decision: Claim and counterclaim – meaning – defamatory meaning – truth – honest opinion – common-law qualfiied privilege (Lange v Atkinson) – common-law qualified privilege (response to attack) – RPIC – declaratory relief – general damages – aggravated damages – punitive damagespdf
Blomfield v Slater
(16 October 2018)
[2018] NZHC 2679Paul Davidson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to adjourn trial fixture – admissibility rulings
Blomfield v Slater
(27 September 2018)
[2018] NZHC 2538Paul Davidson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to file amended pleading after close-of-pleadings date – leave to seek order for security for costs
Craig v Williams
(26 September 2018)
[2018] NZHC 2520Associate Judge Smith
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – abuse of process – issue estoppel – security for costs – transfer of proceeding to different Registrypdf
Nottingham v Maltese Cat
(24 September 2018)
[2018] NZCA 387Kós P, Miller and Williams J
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory application: Application for extension of time to file case on appealpdf
Craig v Stiekema
(11 September 2018)
[2018] NZHC 2389Fitzgerald J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on appeal of District Court decisionpdf
Prasad v Chand
(4 September 2018)
[2018] NZDC 18320Judge Sinclair
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Jurisdiction – forum conveniens pdf
Syed v Malik
(30 August 2018)
[2018] NZHC 2278Churchman J
High Court
Substantive decision: application for judgment on liability – injunction;
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – security for costs
Opai v Attorney-General
(30 August 2018)
[2018] NZHC 2267Brewer J
High Court
Substantive decision: Publication – identification – meaning – defamatory meaning – limitation – qualified privilege – honest opinion – absolute privilege – consentpdf
V v Zhang
(24 August 2018)
[2018] NZDC 17331,
[2020] NCR 102
Judge Harrop
District Court
Substantive decision (by formal proof): Service – jurisdiction – meaning – defamatory – harm – damagespdf
Leishman v Levie
(17 August 2018)
[2018] NZHC 2122,
[2018] NZAR 1276
Associate Judge Andrew
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Interrogatoriespdf
Durie v Gardiner
(31 July 2018)
[2018] NZCA 278,
[2018] 3 NZLR 131
French, Winkelmann and Brown JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: RPIC – scope of new defence – neutral reportage – new evidence on appealpdf
Craig v Williams
(4 July 2018)
[2018] NZSC 61Elias CJ, O'Regan and Ellen France JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: applications to appeal and cross-appealpdf
Arnold v Stuff
(4 July 2018)
[2018] NZHC 1641Mallon J
High Court
Interlocutory decision following jury trial: Application for retrial – misdirection – whether jury's verdict capable of rational explanation – costspdf
Staples v Freeman
(2 July 2018)
[2018] NZHC 1604Associate Judge Matthews
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Defamation Act, s39 (notice re rebuttal of honest-opinion genuineness) – honest opinion – discoverypdf
Opai v Attorney-General
(13 June 2018)
[2018] NZHC 1401Lang J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Admissibility – strike out of evidencepdf
Rafiq v The High Court at Auckland
(25 May 2018)
[2018] NZHC 1183Lang J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Leave to commence proceedings – vexatious litigantpdf
Craig v MacGregor
(23 May 2018)
[2018] NZHC 1172Duffy J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Non-party discoverypdf
Blomfield v Slater (No 3)
(18 May 2018)
[2018] NZHC 1101Lang J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Procedure – costs categorisation – application for two-stage trial – security for costs – discovery – unless orderspdf
Blomfield v Slater (No 2)
(18 May 2018)
[2018] NZHC 1100Lang J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for judge-alone trialpdf
Blomfield v Slater (No 1)
(18 May 2018)
[2018] NZHC 1099Lang J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment – strike out of pleadings – truth – honest opinionpdf
Leishman v Levie
(17 May 2018)
[2018] NZHC 721,
[2018] NZAR 984
Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Interrogatoriespdf
Crossfit Inc v Exercise Industry Association
(17 May 2018)
[2018] NZHC 1093Nicholas Davidson J
High Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal review of Associate Judge's interlocutory decisionpdf
Craig v Stiekema
(27 April 2018)
[2018] NZHC 838,
[2018] NZAR 1003
Fitzgerald J
High Court
Appeal of District Court interlocutory decision: Jameel principle – threshold of harmpdf
Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association v Brett
(17 April 2018)
[2018] NZCA 96Gilbert J
Court of Appeal
Review of Registrar's decision: Refusal to dispense with security for costs on appealpdf
Arnold v Stuff
(13/14 March 2018)
[2018] NZHC 539Mallon J
High Court
Trial rulings: Honest opinion – particulars of aggravation – particulars – Defamation Act, s10 (agency of non-employee of publisher) – Defamation Act, ss39 and 41(notices re rebuttal of honest-opinion genuineness and qualified privilege) – defamatory maning – general and special verdicts – guidance to jury on damagespdf
Williams v Craig
(5 March 2018)
[2018] NZCA 31,
[2018] 3 NZLR 1
Harrison, Miller and Gilbert JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision following jury trial: Mode of retrial – misdirection – sufficiency of evidence for jury's verdict on rebuttal of qualified privilegepdf
Rafiq v NZ Customs Service
(1 March 2018)
[2018] NZHC 283Lang J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Leave to commence proceeding – vexatious litigantpdf
Ross v Hunter
(20 February 2018)
[2017] NZDC 22579,
[2018] DCR 770
Judge Gibson
District Court
Substantive decision (by formal proof): Meanings – defamatory meaning – blogs – general damages – punitive damagespdf
Sellman v Slater
(7 February 2018)
[2018] NZHC 58Palmer J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory applicationspdf
Hagaman v Little
(13 February 2018)
[2018] NZSC 13Elias CJ, O'Regan and Ellen France JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decision following jury trial – special verdicts – abatement of appeal on plaintiff's death – whether defamation claims die with the personpdf
Hyndman v Anderson
(1 February 2018)
[2018] NZDC 1360Judge Neave
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendant – meaningpdf
Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association v Brett
(21 December 2017)
[2017] NZHC 3281Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Recall – pleadings – Court's role regarding self-represented litigantspdf
Craig v Stringer
(19 December 2017)
[2017] NZHC 3221Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Recallpdf
Driver v Radio NZ
(18 December 2017)
[2017] NZHC 3188Ellis J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to extend primary limitation period – strike out – security for costspdf
Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association Inc v Brett
(20 November 2017)
[2017] NZHC 2846,
[2018] 2 NZLR 587
Palmer J
High Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory – truth – honest opinion – absolute privilege – qualified privilege – settlement agreements and NZBORA – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of body corporate) – remediespdf
Hagaman v Little
(2 November 2017)
[2017] NZCA 447,
[2018] 2 NZLR 140
Kós P, Miller and Winkelmann JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court ruling during jury trial: Procedure – whether appeal against trial ruling survives plaintiff's deathpdf
Sellman v Slater
(2 October 2017)
[2017] NZHC 2392,
[2018] 2 NZLR 218
Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – limitation – Jameel principle – threshold of harm – multiple-publication rule – Defamation Act, ss39 and 41 (notices re rebuttal of honest-opinion genuineness and qualified privilege)pdf
Newton v Dunn
(29 August 2017)
[2017] NZHC 2083,
(2017) 14 NZELR 621
Collins J
High Court
Substantive decision: Publication – meaning – defamatory – truth – honest opinion – correction recommendations – damagespdf
X v Attorney-General
(23 August 2017)
[2017] NZHC 2024Simon France J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interloctory application pdf
Atkins v Till
(23 August 2017)
[2017] NZDC 18635,
[2018] DCR 784
Judge Harrison
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendants – qualified privilege – honest opinion – meaningpdf
Lyttelton v NZME
(11 August 2017)
[2017] NZHC 1914Heath J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costs – strike out of pleadings – pleadings – particularspdf
Ayers v LexisNexis
(8 August 2017)
[2017] NZHC 1864Churchman J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding – want of prosecutionpdf
Rafiq v Attorney-General
(4 August 2017)
[2017] NZHC 1852Courtney J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Leave to commence proceeding – vexatious litigantpdf
Craig v Stiekema
(31 July 2017)
[2017] NZDC 15914,
[2018] DCR 291
Judge Harrison
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – Jameel principle – abuse of process – pleadingspdf
Arnold v Fairfax
(27 July 2017)
[2017] NZHC 1757Mallon J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costs – leave to amend pleadings after close-of-pleadings datepdf
Maltese Cat v John Doe
(25 July 2017)
[2017] NZHC 1728Fogarty J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Limitation – declaratory reliefpdf
Blomfield v Slater
(18 July 2017)
[2017] NZHC 1654Heath J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – unless orders – strike out of pleadings – Jameel principlepdf
Maltese Cat v John Doe
(14 July 2017)
[2017] NZHC 1634Fogarty J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Procedure – whether application for declaration under Defamation Act can br brought by way of originating summons under HCR Part 18pdf
X v Attorney-General (No 2)
(29 May 2017)
[2017] NZHC 1136,
[2017] NZAR 1365
Simon France J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – Jameel principle – tort of 'misappropriation of personality' – tort of 'false-light privacy' – Claim under Fair Trading Actpdf
Opai v Culpan
(18 May 2017)
[2017] NZHC 1036,
[2017] NZAR 1142
Katz J
High Court
Review of Associate Judge's interlocutory decision: Jameel principlepdf
Bright v Town
(18 May 2017)
[2017] NZHC 1027Courtney J
High Court
Review of Associate Judge's interlocutory decision: Jurisdiction – summary judgment by defendantpdf
Durie v Gardiner
(5 May 2017)
[2017] NZHC 897Mallon J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interloctory application pdf
Crossfit Inc v Exercise Industry Association
(5 May 2017)
[2017] NZHC 899Nicholas Davidson J
High Court
Review of Associate Judge's interlocutory decision: 'Media exception' to claims under Fair Trading Act for misleading and/or deceptive conduct – claims for harassment and coercion under Fair Trading Actpdf
Craig v Slater
(4 May 2017)
[2017] NZHC 874,
[2017] NZAR 649
Toogood J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Procedure – application for barrister to appear as McKenzie friendpdf
Hagaman v Little
(28 April 2017)
[2017] NZHC 813,
[2017] 3 NZLR 413,
[2017] BCL 192
Clark J
High Court
Trial ruling (reasons): Qualified privilegepdf
Craig v Slater
(12 April 2017)
[2017] NZHC 735,
[2017] NZAR 637
Toogood J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Procedure – application for judge-alone trialpdf
Williams v Craig
(12 April 2017)
[2017] NZHC 724,
[2017] 3 NZLR 215
Katz J
High Court
Interlocutory decision following jury trial: Application for judgment or retrial – excessive damages – sufficiency of evidence of rebuttal of qualified privilege – misdirectionpdf
Craig v Stiekema
(29 March 2017)
[2017] NZHC 614,
[2017] NZAR 633
Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Procedure – transfer to District Courtpdf
Opai v Culpan
(7 April 2017)
[2017] NZHC 668Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to recall costs decision
Alphacasa v Attorney-General
(17 March 2017)
[2017] NZHC 486Ellis J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – particularspdf
Durie v Gardiner
(8 March 2017)
[2017] NZHC 377,
[2017] 3 NZLR 72,
[2017] BCL 191
Mallon J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – qualified privilege – neutral reportage – honest opinionpdf
Opai v Culpan
(2 March 2017)
[2017] NZHC 307Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory applicationspdf
Bright v Town
(13 February 2017)
[2017] NZHC 141Associate Judge Smith
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendant – Defamation Act, s41 (notice re rebuttal of qualified privlege) – qualified privilege (response to attack)pdf
Craig v Stringer
(31 January 2017)
[2017] NZHC 50Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Substantive decision: Judgment by consentpdf
Wishart v Murray
(19 December 2016)
[2016] NZHC 3133Courtney J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory applications – increased costspdf
Wishart v Murray
(19 December 2016)
[2016] NZHC 3132Courtney J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Wishart v Murray
(19 December 2016)
[2016] NZHC 3131Courtney J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to lift staypdf
Wu v Moncur
(13 December 2016)
[2016] NZHC 3017Woolford J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Social media – foreign-language publication – translations – identification – honest opinion pdf
Opai v Culpan
(13 December 2016)
[2016] NZHC 3006Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: News reporting – case managementpdf
Opai v Culpan
(13 December 2016)
[2016] NZHC 3005Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – scope of electronic search termspdf
Opai v Culpan
(13 December 2016)
[2016] NZHC 3004Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Publication – meaning – threshold of harm – Jameel principle – aggravated damages – vicarious liability – punitive damages upon vicarious liability – honest opinion – qualified privilege – pleadingspdf
Craig v Stringer
(23 November 2016)
[2016] NZHC 2808Gendall J
High Court
Review of Associate Judge's decision: Discovery – application for jury trialpdf
Lyttelton v NZME
(2 November 2016)
[2016] NZHC 2628Toogood J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadingspdf
Sellman v Slater
(1 November 2016)
[2016] NZHC 2594Palmer J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionspdf
Memelink v Grindlay
(31 October 2016)
[2016] NZHC 2589Collins J
High Court
Judge-alone trial: Meaning – defamatory – truth – damagespdf
Sellman v Slater
(25 October 2016)
[2016] NZHC 2542,
[2017] NZAR 258
Palmer J
High Court
Media application: Application for access to Court recordpdf
Williams v Craig
(19 October 2016)
[2016] NZHC 2496,
[2016] NZAR 1569
Katz J
High Court
Trial ruling (reasons): Qualified privilege (response to attack)pdf
Sellman v Slater
(11 October 2016)
[2016] NZHC 2415Palmer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Joinderpdf
Williams v Craig
(30 September 2016)
HC Auckland
30 September 2016
Katz J
High Court
Trial ruling: Application for suppression orderspdf
Williams v Craig
(29 September 2016)
HC Auckland
29 September 2016
Katz J
High Court
Trial ruling (reasons): Application to delay closing plaintiff's casepdf
Williams v Craig
(27 September 2016)
HC Auckland
29 September 2016
Katz J
High Court
Trial ruling: Application for leave to amend pleadings after close-of-pleadings datepdf
Williams v Craig
(26 September 2016)
HC Auckland
29 September 2016
Katz J
High Court
Trial ruling: Pleadings – qualified privilege (response to attack)pdf
Williams v Craig
(20 September 2016)
HC Auckland
20 September 2016
Katz J
High Court
Trial ruling: Application for leave to amend pleadings after close-of-pleadings datepdf
Russell v Matthews
(15 September 2016)
[2016] NZDC 17743Judge Ingram
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Jameel principle – Defamation Act, ss39 and 41 (leave to file notices re rebuttal of honest-opinion genuineness and qualified privilege out of time)pdf
Sax v McLay
(15 September 2016)
[2016] NZDC 17761Judge Ingram
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – slanderpdf
Williams v Craig
(9 September 2016)
HC Auckland
9 September 2016
Katz J
High Court
Media application: Application to film, photograph and record evidencepdf
Williams v Craig
(6 September 2016)
HC Auckland
6 September 2016
Toogood J
High Court
Pre-trial rulings (reasons): Expert evidence – admissibility of briefs pdf
Williams v Craig
(1 September 2016)
HC Auckland
1 September 2016
Toogood J
High Court
Pre-trial rulings: Expert evidence – admissibility of briefspdf
Noble v Aharoni
(25 August 2016)
[2016] NZHC 1995,
[2016] NZAR 1177
Ellis J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to set aside interim injunctionpdf
Craig v Stringer
(22 August 2016)
[2016] NZHC 1956Associate Judge Matthews
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – journalistic privilege – non-party discovery – leave to add causes of action – further interrogatories – strike out of pleadingspdf
Williams v Craig
(12 August 2016)
[2016] NZHC 1876Toogood J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on withdrawn summary-judgment applicationpdf
Lupton v Fairfax
(5 August 2016)
[2016] NZHC 1801Associate Judge Smith
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – statutory qualified privilege – common-law qualified privilegepdf
Kim v Cho
(1 August 2016)
[2016] NZHC 1771,
[2016] NZAR 1134
Courtney J
High Court
Substantive decision (by formal proof): Meaning – general damages – punitive damagespdf
Williams v Craig
(29 June 2016)
[2016] NZHC 1453Toogood J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Non-party discovery – evidence – privilegepdf
Arnold v Fairfax
(23 May 2016)
[2016] NZHC 1078Clifford J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on discontinued counterclaimpdf
Crossfit Inc v Exercise Industry Association
(18 May 2016)
[2016] NZHC 1028Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – Fair Trading Act claim – meaning – particulars of damagespdf
Gatland v Fairfax
(13 May 2016)
[2016] NZHC 970Toogood J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – honest opinion – permissibiity of defendant's alternative meanings for honest opinionpdf
Memelink v Grindlay
(3 May 2016)
[2016] NZHC 871Collins J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – want of prosecution – security for costs – unless orderspdf
Craig v Stringer
(22 April 2016)
[2016] NZHC 768Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Non-party discoverypdf
Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association v Brett
(17 March 2016)
[2016] NZHC 467Woolford J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionpdf
Bright v Town
(10 March 2016)
[2016] NZHC 411Associate Judge Smith
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment – common-law qualified privilege – Defamation Act, ss39 and 41 (notices re rebuttal of honest-opinion genuineness and qualified privilege) – security for costspdf
Arnold v Fairfax
(8 March 2016)
[2016] NZHC 379Clifford J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionpdf
Arnold v Fairfax
(23 February 2016)
[2016] NZHC 207Clifford J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – honest opinion – meaningpdf
Craig v Stringer
(4 March 2016)
[2016] NZHC 362Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Parker v Owen
(3 March 2016)
[2016] NZHC 342Muir J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Blomfield v Slater
(18 February 2016)
[2016] NZHC 210Asher J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: final ruling on contempt application – penalty for contempt – costs on contempt hearingpdf
Blomfield v Slater
(10 February 2016)
[2016] NZHC 149Asher J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for orders holding defendant in contempt for breach of undertakingpdf
Wishart v Murray
(22 December 2015)
[2015] NZHC 3363,
[2016] 2 NZLR 565
Courtney J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – pleadings for multiple statements as single causes of action – pleadings for multiple bases of liability – strike out of claim for punitive damages – limitation – multiple-publication rulepdf
Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association v Brett
(14 December 2015)
[2015] NZHC 3038Woolford J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for interim injunctionpdf
Newton v Dunn
(10 December 2015)
[2015] NZHC 3126,
[2016] NZAR 325
Associate Judge Matthews
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – Defamation Act, s26 (correction recommendations)pdf
Wu v Moncur
(4 December 2015)
[2015] NZHC 3064Palmer J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionpdf
Slater v Blomfield
(19 November 2015)
[2015] NZCA 562Wild, Miller and Cooper JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Leave – new evidence on appealpdf
S v B
(12 November 2015)
[2015] NZDC 22353Judge Tuohy
District Court
Interocutory decision: Costs on substantive hearing – legally aided defendant
Human Resources Institute v Elephant Training & HR
(6 November 2015)
[2015] NZHC 2739Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Procedure – application to transfer to District Courtpdf
CPA Australia v NZ Institute of Chartered Accountants
(2 October 2015)
[2015] NZHC 2415Dobson J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive decisionpdf
S v B
(25 September 2015)
[2015] NZDC 17487Judge Tuohy
District Court
Substantive decision: Publication – slander – meaning – defamatory – truth – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualified privilege – damages
Blomfield v Slater
(17 September 2015)
[2015] NZHC 2239Asher J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for orders holding defendant in contempt for breach of undertakingpdf
Opai v Culpan
(24 August 2015)
[2015] NZHC 2010Associate Judge Sargisson
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Jurisdiction – whether claim within exclusive jurisdiction of Employment Relations Authoritypdf
Van de Klundert v Clapperton
(13 August 2015)
[2015] NZHC 1920Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on discontinuancepdf
CPA Australia v NZ Institute of Chartered Accountants
(6 August 2015)
[2015] NZHC 1854,
(2015) 14 TCLR 149
Dobson J
High Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – threshold of harm – truth – honest opinion – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualified privilege – claim under Fair Trading Actpdf
Stephenson v Jones
(26 June 2015)
[2015] NZHC 1455Kós J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – interrogatoriespdf
Slater v Blomfield
(17 June 2015)
[2015] NZCA 240Stevens, Wild and Miller JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to extend time to file appealpdf
Ayers v LexisNexis
(15 June 2015)
[2015] NZHC 1348Associate Judge Smith
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – particulars of special damages – security for costs – discoverypdf
S v B
(8 June 2015)
[2015] NZDC 10173Judge Walker
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – slander – truth – disclosure of material in Family Court – solicitor-client privilege
(19 March 2015))
[2015] NZCA 81Ellen France, Randerson and White JJ
Court of Appeal
Leave decision: Application to appeal High Court decision on appeal from District Court interlocutory decision – bias – errors of lawpdf
Henderson v Mediaworks
(18 March 2015)
[2015] NZHC 509Andrews J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Van de Klundert v Clapperton
(10 March 2015)
[2015] NZHC 425Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment – Defamation Act s41 (particulars of notice re rebuttal of qualified privilege) – declaratory reliefpdf
Moodie v Strachan
(2 March 2015)
[2015] NZHC 327Kós J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on stay agreed by consent – discontinuancepdf
S v B
(27 February 2015)
DC Porirua
27 February 2015
Judge Walker
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Interrogatories
Slater v Blomfield
(19 December 2014)
[2014] NZHC 3272Asher J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Transfer of proceeding to High Court – costs on appeal of District Court interlocutory decisionpdf
Strachan v Moodie
(18 December 2014)
18 December 2014
White J
Court of Appeal
Costs decision: Cost on abandoned appeal
Equity Trust International v Transparency NZ
(12 December 2014)
[2014] NZHC 3192Asher J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – abuse of processpdf
Ayers v LexisNexis
(28 November 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2998Associate Judge Smith
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Particulars of corporate plaintiff's injury to reputation and pecuniary loss – discoverypdf
Ray White v Oh
(26 November 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2970Venning J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for interim injunctionpdf
Rafiq v Commissioner of Police
(13 November 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2821Gilbert J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – abuse of process – security for costspdf
Wu v Moncur
(7 November 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2776Venning J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to file statement of defence out of timepdf
Rafiq v Google NZ
(6 November 2014)
[2014] NZSC 159McGrath, William Young and Glazebrook JJ
Supreme Court
Interlocutory decision: Recallpdf
Rafiq v Commissioner of Police
(7 October 2014)
[2014] NZCA 492Wild J
Court of Appeal
Review of Registrar's decision: Security for costs on appealpdf
Wislang v University of Otago
(30 September 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2382Whata J
High Court
Review of Associate Judge's decision: Pre-trial discoverypdf
Burchell v Singh
(26 September 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2338Duffy J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionpdf
Rafiq v Commissioner of Police
(26 September 2014)
[2014] NZSC 132Elias CJ, Arnold and O'Regan JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal interlocutory decision of Court of Appealpdf
Re Rafiq
(22 September 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2291Venning J
High Court
Review of Registrar's decison: Referral by Registry of proceeding to Judge prior to accepting for filing – Court's recommendation to Solicitor-General for application to declare vexatious litigantpdf
Murray v Wishart
(19 September 2014)
[2014] NZCA 461,
[2014] 3 NZLR 722
O'Regan P, Ellen France and French JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal against interlocutory decision: Meaning – liability for third-party publishers – security for costspdf
Rafiq v Google NZ
(17 September 2014)
[2014] NZSC 126McGrath, William Young and Glazebrook JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal interlocutory decision of Court of Appealpdf
Wu v Moncur
(17 September 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2253Courtney J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment – recusalpdf
Smith v Dooley
(15 September 2014)
[2014] NZCA 455Wild J
Court of Appeal
Review of Registrar's decision: Costs following appealpdf
Slater v Blomfield
(12 September 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2221,
[2014] 3 NZLR 835
Asher J
High Court
Appeal of District Court interlocutory decision: Journalistic privilege – interrogatoriespdf
Karam v Parker
(2 September 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2097Courtney J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive hearingpdf
Tamihere v Mediaworks
(1 September 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2082,
[2014] NZAR 1113
Simon France J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Breach of contract and defamation – application for stay of defamation proceedings – arbitration clausepdf
Rafiq v Secretary for Internal Affairs
(28 August 2014)
[2014] NZHC 2064Asher J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Abuse of processpdf
Henderson v Horan
(4 August 2014)
HC Auckland
4 August 2014
Woolford J
High Court
Media application: Access to court documentspdf
Rafiq v Mediaworks
(21 July 2014)
[2014] NZHC 1966Faire J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Rafiq v Commissioner of Police
(14 July 2014)
[2014] NZCA 321Harrison J
Court of Appeal
Review of Registrar's decision: refusing to dispense with security for costs on appealpdf
Rafiq v Google NZ
(14 July 2014)
[2014] NZCA 320Harrison J
Court of Appeal
Review of Registrar's decision: refusing to dispense with security for costs on appealpdf
Stephenson v Jones
(9 July 2014)
[2014] NZHC 1604Mackenzie J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Meaning – issue estoppelpdf
Rafiq v Meredith Connell
(2 July 2014)
[2014] NZHC 1597Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – absolute privilege – qualified privilege – honest opinion – security for costspdf
Burchell v Singh
(17 June 2014)
[2014] NZHC 1353Duffy J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadingspdf
Moodie v Strachan
(21 May 2014)
[2014] NZHC 1090Mallon J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadingspdf
(30 April 2014)
[2014] NZHC 863Andrews J
High Court
Appeal of District Court interlocutory decision: Absolute privilege – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualifed privilege – claims for breach of contract, malicious civil proceeding, breach of confidence, invasion of privacy and under Consumer Guarantees Act – abuse of processpdf
Rafiq v Commissioner of Police
(16 April 2014)
[2014] NZHC 814Courtney J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to commence time-barred proceedings – limitationpdf
Rafiq v Commissioner of Police
(16 April 2014)
[2014] NZHC 813Courtney J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment – absolute privilege – security for costs – consolidationpdf
Karam v Parker
(9 April 2014)
[2014] NZHC 737,
[2014] BCL 219
Courtney J
High Court
Substantive decision: Third-party publication – meaning – honest opinion – common-law qualified privilege – damages – injunctionpdf
Slater v Blomfield
(28 March 2014)
[2014] NZHC 612Asher J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to appeal District Court decisionpdf
Rafiq v Google NZ
(24 March 2014)
[2014] NZHC 551Associate Judge Doogue
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for Costspdf
Wu v Moncur
(7 March 2014)
[2014] NZHC 391Joe Williams J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendantpdf
Young v TVNZ
(6 March 2014)
[2014] NZCA 50Wild, Miller and Dobson JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Meaning – Defamation Act, s41 (particulars of notice re rebuttal of qualified privilege) – review of Associate Judge’s case-management directionspdf
Lockwood Group v Small
(18 February 2014)
[2014] NZHC 178Panckhurst J
High Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal High Court interlocuory decision to Court of Appeal – application for extension of time to seek leavepdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(7 February 2014)
[2014] NZCA 2Wild J
Court of Appeal
Review of Registrar's decision: Refusal to dispense with or reduce security for costs on appealpdf
Dooley v Smith
(20 December 2013)
[2013] NZSC 155McGrath, William Young and Glazebrook JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decisionpdf
Haden v Wells
(17 December 2013)
[2013] NZHC 3421Brewer J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on appeal of District Court interlocutory decision – increased costspdf
Deliu v Hong
(11 December 2013)
[2013] NZHC 3329Brewer J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Admissibility – business recordspdf
R v R
(11 November 2013)
DC Auckland
11 November 2013
Judge Gibson
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike our of proceeding – absolute privilege – qualified privilege – abuse of process
Moodie v Strachan
(8 November 2013)
[2013] NZHC 2951Kós J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – statement of claim containing allegedly prejudicial and vexatious material – abuse of processpdf
Haden v Wells
(7 November 2013)
[2013] NZHC 2946Gilbert J
High Court
Appeal of District Court decision: Costs – indemnity costspdf
Haden v Wells
(22 October 2013)
[2013] NZHC 2753Brewer J
High Court
Appeal of District Court interlocutory decision: whether substantive judgment was obtained by fraud and perjurypdf
Rafiq v Chief Executive of MBIE
(18 October 2013)
[2013] NZHC 2731Venning J
High Court
Review of Registrar's decision: Refusal to accept proposed proceedings for filingpdf
Cabral v Beacon Printing
(15 October 2013)
[2013] NZHC 2684Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – qualified privilege pdf
Mitchell v Edminstin
(11 October 2013)
DC Invercargill
11 October 2013
Judge Kellar
District Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – publication – statutory qualified privilege – common-law qualified privilege (political discussion) – common-law qualified privilege (response to attack) – rebuttal of qualified privilege – damages – mitigationpdf
Karam v Parker
(8 October 2013)
HC Auckland
8 October 2013
Courtney J
High Court
Media application: Application to filmpdf
Wislang v University of Otago
(27 September 2013)
[2013] NZHC 2533Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Pre-commencement discoverypdf
Karam v Parker
(26 September 2013)
HC Auckland
26 September 2011
Courtney J
High Court
Pre-trial ruling: Admissibility of briefs – whether juror may be called as witnesspdf
Blomfield v Slater
(26 September 2013)
[2013] NZDC 1780Judge Blackie
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Interrogatories – journalistic priivlege – whether blog constitues "news medium"pdf
Smith v Dooley
(13 September 2013)
[2013] NZCA 428,
[2013] BCL 321
O’Regan P, Wild and Stevens JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision: Meaning – truth – rebuttal of qualified privilege – limitation – declaratory relief pdf
Lockwood Group v Small
(12 August 2013)
[2013] NZCA 364O'Regan P, French and Winkelmann JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Court of Appeal's jurisdiction upon appeal of proceeding on commercial list pdf
Deliu v Hong
(2 August 2013)
[2013] NZHC 1934Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisions – fixing of costs and disbursementspdf
Haden v Wells
(10 July 2013)
[2013] NZHC 1639Ellis J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costs on appealpdf
Haden v Wells
(24 June 2013)
DC Auckland
24 June 2013
Judge Gibson
District Court
Costs decision: Costs following interlocutory decision – indemnity costs
Chen v Carter
(12 June 2013)
[2013] NZHC 1397Collins J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decision setting aside injunctionpdf
Moodie v Strachan
(12 June 2013)
[2013] NZHC 1394Ronald Young J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Limitation – Jameel principle – abuse of processpdf
Lau v ACP Media
(21 May 2013)
[2013] NZHC 1165Associate Judge Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by plaintiff – strike out of pleadings – security for costspdf
Deliu v Hong
(16 May 2013)
[2013] NZHC 1119Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionspdf
Blomfield v Slater
(16 May 2013)
[2013] NZDC 904Judge Mathers
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Rafiq v Chief Executive of MBIE
(13 May 2013)
[2013] NZHC 1134Priestley J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Limitation – security for costspdf
Haden v Wells
(10 May 2013)
DC Auckland
10 May 2013
Judge Gibson
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding – whether substantive judgment was obtained by fraud and perjury
Paton v Vertongen
(7 May 2013)
DC Levin
7 May 2013
Judge Broadmore
District Court
Interlocutory application: Strike out of pleadings – third party notice – joinder – meaning – bane and antidote – Law Reform Act, s17(1)(c) (liability of "any other tortfeasor"pdf
Chen v Carter
(3 May 2013)
[2013] NZHC 869Collins J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for interim injunctionpdf
Hotchin v Sheppard
(3 May 2013)
[2013] NZHC 960,
[2013] BCL 169
Cooper J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Procedure – application for judge-alone trial – review of Associate Judge’s decisionpdf
Deliu v Hong
(12 April 2013)
[2013] NZHC 736Osborne Associate Judge
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – orders for repleadingpdf
Deliu v Hong
(12 April 2013)
[2013] NZHC 735Osborne Associate Judge
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – abuse of process – malicious prosecution – intentional infliction of emotional distress – defamation – malicious falsehood – issue estoppelpdf
Flexi Solutions v Attorney-General
(27 March 2013)
[2013] NZHC 622Kós J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discontinuance of proceedingpdf
Stephenson v Jones
(27 March 2013)
[2013] NZHC 638Dobson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Ireland v Crosby
(26 March 2013)
[2013] NZHC 623Associate Judge Christiansen
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on withdrawn summary-judgment applicationpdf
Wishart v Murray
(19 March 2013)
[2013] NZHC 540,
[2013] 3 NZLR 246,
[2013] BCL 147
Courtney J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – meaning – liability for publication by third-parties on social media – security for costspdf
van Gog v Grauman
(5 March 2013)
[2013] NZHC 406Associate Judge Abbott
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discoverypdf
Haywood v Bray
(1 March 2013)
[2013] NZHC 371Mackenzie J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Evidence – admissibility of hearsay – Defamation Act, ss30 and 42 (admissibility of evidence of bad reputation)pdf
Stiassny v Siemer
(22 February 2013)
[2013] NZHC 301Toogood J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Recallpdf
Karam v Fairfax
(20 December 2012)
[2012] NZHC 3562Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisions – increased costspdf
Kim v Lee
(19 December 2012)
[2012] NZCA 600,
(2012) 21 PRNZ 395
France, Stevens and Asher JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision (by formal proof): Withdrawal of solicitor – publicationpdf
Young v TVNZ
(17 December 2012)
[2012] NZHC 3460Gilbert J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory application – increased costspdf
Aarts v Commissioner of Police
(27 November 2012)
[2012] NZHC 3116,
[2013] BCL 51
Associate Judge Christiansen
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for stay pending overlapping Employment Court proceedings – Security for costs pdf
Ayers v LexisNexis
(16 November 2012)
[2012] NZHC 3055Kós J
High Court
Review of Associate Judge's decision: Particulars of pecuniary loss – Defamation Act, s43(1) (specification of damages where defendant a news medium)pdf
Clague v APN
(5 November 2012)
[2012] NZHC 2898,
[2013] NZAR 99,
[2012] BCL 547
Toogood J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for interim injunction – invasion of privacypdf
Young v TVNZ
(19 October 2012)
[2012] NZHC 2738Gilbert J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – meanings – Defamation Act, s41 (particulars of notice re rebuttal of qualified privilege)pdf
Hotchin v Sheppard
(1 October 2012)
[2012] NZHC 2527Associate Judge Doogue
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – Defamation Act, s30 (plea of bad reputation)pdf
A v Google NZ
(12 September 2012)
[2012] NZHC 2352Associate Judge Abbott
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by both parties – publication – search engine – Defamation Act, s21 (innocent dessimination)pdf
Mu v Body Corporate 312421
(7 August 2012)
[2012] NZHC 1974Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – defence of wrongful misconduct in claim for declaratory relief – whether defence really an allegation of defamation and needs to be so pleadedpdf
Ayers v LexisNexis
(1 August 2012)
[2012] NZHC 1908Associate Judge Gendall
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decision pdf
Karam v Parker
(23 July 2012)
[2012] NZHC 1801Courtney J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Particular discovery – costs pdf
First Sovereign Trust v NZ Racing Board
(18 July 2012)
[2012] NZHC 1784Mallon J
High Court
Trial ruling: Meaning – standing – identification – punitive damage – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff)pdf
du Claire v Palmer
(13 July 2012)
[2012] NZHC 1685Asher J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive decisionpdf
Dooley v Smith
(2 July 2012)
[2012] NZHC 1553Lang J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive hearing – Defamation Act, s24(2) (solicitor-client costs on making of declaration)pdf
Kim v Lee
(14 June 2012)
[2012] NZCA 248Glazebrook, Randerson and Wild JJ
Court of Appeal
Leave decision: Application to appeal District Court decision pdf
Karam v Parker
(31 May 2012)
[2012] NZHC 1211Associate Judge Sargisson
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionpdf
Korda Mentha v Siemer
(18 May 2012)
[2012] NZHC 1074Andrews J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding alleging that previous substantive judgment obtained by fraud – abuse of processpdf
Karam v Fairfax
(10 May 2012)
[2012] NZHC 1331Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for determination of separate questionpdf
Karam v Fairfax
(10 May 2012)
[2012] NZHC 887Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – honest opinion – further and better discoverypdf
du Claire v Palmer
(7 May 2012)
[2012] NZHC 934Asher J
High Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – honest opinion – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualified privilege – misfeasance in public officepdf
Korda Mentha v Siemer
(2 July 2012)
[2012] NZHC 1548Andrew J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for correction of judgment – slip rulepdf
Wells v Haden
(24 April 2012)
DC Auckland
24 April 2012
Judge McElrea
District Court
Interocutory decision: Application to stay or suspend substantive decision
Deliu v Hong
(5 April 2012)
[2012] NZHC 679Courtney J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionspdf
Dooley v Smith
(26 March 2012)
[2012] NZHC 529Lang J
High Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory – truth – honest opinion – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualifed privilege – Defamation Act, s24(1) (declarations)pdf
Kim v Lee
(21 February 2012)
[2012] NZCA 19Glazebrook, Wild and White JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to file appealpdf
Haden v Wells
(1 February 2012)
[2012] NZHC 32,
[2012] BCL 373
Rodney Hansen J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on appeal of District Court decision – increased costspdf
Haden v Wells
(1 February 2012)
[2012] NZHC 31Rodney Hansen J
High Court
Review of Registrar's decision: refusal to accept documents for filingpdf
Deliu v Hong
(21 December 2011)
HC Auckland
21 December 2011,
[2012] BCL 249
Courtney J
High Court
Review of Associate Judge's decision: strike out of pleadings – costs on injunction decisionpdf
Ayers v LexisNexis
(29 November 2011)
HC Wellington
29 November 2011
Gendall J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Further and better discovery – Defamation Act, ss6 and 43 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff; specification of damages where defendant a news medium)pdf
Lockwood Group v Small
(16 November 2011)
HC Auckland
16 November 2011
Venning J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – defamation – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff) pdf
Lee v New Korea Herald
(9 November 2011)
HC Auckland
9 November 2011
Heath J
High Court
Interlocutory application: Application for retrialpdf
Probst v Mason
(2 November 2011)
HC Whangarei
2 November 2011
Venning J
High Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal District Court decisionpdf
Katavich v TV Works
(18 October 2011)
HC Auckland
CIV-2011 442-116,
18 October 2011
Associate Judge Abbott
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Pleadings – further particularspdf
Haden v Wells
(27 September 2011)
HC Auckland
27 September 2011
Allan J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs following interlocutory decision – increased costspdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(16 September 2011)
[2011] NZCA 466O'Regan, Glazebrook and Harrison JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Application to strike out notice of appealpdf
Attorney-General v Leigh
(16 September 2011)
[2011] NZSC 106,
[2012] 2 NZLR 713
Elias CJ, Blanchard, Tipping, Mcgrath and Anderson JJ
Supreme Court
Appeal of Court of Appeal decision: Absolute privilege – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualified privilegepdf
Siemer v Chief Justice of Supreme Court
(22 August 2011)
HC Auckland
22 August 2011
Woodhouse J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – abuse of process by collateral attack – judicial immunity pdf
Karam v Parker
(29 July 2011)
HC Auckland
29 July 2011
Associate Judge Sargisson
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – abuse of process pdf
Hallett v Williams
(26 July 2011)
HC Auckland
26 July 2011
Brewer J
High Court
Appeal of District Court substantive decision: Whether trial judge should have granted adjournmentpdf
Katavich v TV Works
(20 July 2011)
HC Nelson
20 July 2011
Associate Judge Matthews
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Transfer of proceeding to different Registrypdf
Woodgate v Harris
(12 July 2011)
HC Palmerston North
12 July 2011,
[2011] NZAR 787
Gendall J
High Court
Palmerston North
Appeal of District Court interlocutory decision: Limitation Act 1950 – consent – honest opinion – absolute privilege – qualified privilegepdf
Deliu v Hong
(17 June 2011)
HC Auckland
17 June 2011,
[2011] NZAR 681
Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – abuse of processpdf
Kim v Lee
(3 June 2011)
[2011] NZCA 256Arnold, Steven and Wild JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to file appealpdf
Hotchin v APN
(3 June 2011)
HC Auckland
3 June 2011,
[2011] NZAR 464
Fogarty J
High Court
Media application: Access to court documentspdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(3 June 2011)
[2011] NZSC 63Blanchard, Tipping and Young JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decisionpdf
Moodie v Strachan
(1 June 2011)
[2011] NZCA 247Chambers J
Court of Appeal
Review of Registrar's decision: Security for costs on appeal pdf
Peters v TVNZ
(27 May 2011)
[2011] NZCA 231,
[2011] 2 NZLR 466
O'Regan P, Ellen France and Stevens JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – meaning – tiers of meaning – defamatorypdf
Attorney-General v Leigh
(11 April 2011)
[2011] NZSC 37,
[2011] BCL 362
Elias CJ, Blanchard and Tipping JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decisionpdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(30 March 2011)
[2011] NZCA 106,
[2011] 2 NZLR 361,
[2011] BCL 326
Glazebrook, Hammond and Arnold JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision: Damages – general damages – aggravated damages – punitive damages pdf
Lockwood Group v Small
(9 March 2011)
HC Auckland
CIV 2009-404-1019,
9 March 2011,
[2011] BCL 282
Allan J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – publication – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff)pdf
Moodie v Strachan
(22 February 2011)
[2011] NZCA 31Glazebrook, Arnold and Harrison JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to appealpdf
Hallett v Williams
(14 February 2011)
HC Auckland
14 February 2011,
[2011] BCL 203
Asher J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for stay of execution on substantive decisionpdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(3 February 2011)
[2011] NZCA 1O'Regan P, Hammond and Arnold JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Whether appellant was denied access to the Courtspdf
Joseph v APN
(1 February 2011)
HC Auckland
CIV 2010-404-2543,
1 February 2011,
[2011] BCL 183
Associate Judge Christiansen
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Leigh v Attorney General
(17 December 2010)
[2010] NZCA 624,
[2011] 2 NZLR 148,
[2011] BCL 134
Young, O'Regan and France JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal and cross-appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: slander – meanings – defamatory meaning – absolute privilegepdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(14 December 2010)
[2010] NZCA 607Glazebrook, Arnold and Harrison JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to file appealpdf
Haden v Wells
(6 December 2010)
[2010] NZCA 591O'Regan, Hammond and Arnold JJ
Court of Appeal
Leave decision: Application to appeal High Court decision refusing leave to appeal District Court decisionpdf
Haden v Wells
(25 November 2010)
HC Auckland
25 November 2010,
[2011] BCL 32,
[2011] BCL 955
Allan J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding – judicial review sought of District Court proceedingpdf
Lee v New Korea Herald
(9 November 2010)
HC Auckland
9 November 2010,
[2010] BCL 909
Heath J
High Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory meaning – truth – honest opinion – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualified privilege – liability – damagespdf
du Claire v Palmer
(29 October 2010)
HC Wellington
29 October 2010
Mackenzie J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costs – summary judgment by plaintiffpdf
Deliu v Hong
(27 October 2010)
HC Auckland
27 October 2010,
[2011] BCL 959
Venning J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for interim injunction – defamation – malicious falsehood – intentional infliction of emotional distress – abuse of process – undertakingspdf
Williams v Hallett
(18 October 2010)
DC Auckland
18 October 2010
Judge Hinton
District Court
Substantive decision: Damages – punitive damages – injunctions
Jones v Lee
(3 September 2010)
HC Wellington
3 September 2010
Clifford J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive decision – indemnity costs pdf
Moodie v Strachan
(26 August 2010)
HC Wellington
26 August 2010
Wild J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for an order to dismiss or stay proceeding – strike out of pleadingspdf
Howard-Smith v Truth
(12 July 2010)
HC Auckland
12 July 2010
Associate Judge Bell
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Particularspdf
Haden v Wells
(23 June 2010)
HC Auckland
23 June 2010
Rodney Hansen J
High Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal High Court decision on appeal from District Court pdf
Peters v TVNZ
(8 June 2010)
HC Auckland
8 June 2010
Andrews J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – meaning – defamatorypdf
Forrest v Martin
(2 June 2010)
HC Christchurch
2 June 2010
Associate Judge Doherty
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costs pdf
Moodie v Strachan
(21 May 2010)
HC Wellington
21 May 2010
Mallon J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – meaning – defamatorypdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(20 May 2010)
[2010] NZSC 57Blanchard, Tipping and Wilson JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decision pdf
Jones v Lee
(18 May 2010)
HC Wellington
18 May 2010
Clifford J
High Court
Trial ruling (reasons): Availability of honest opinion – meaning – alternative meanings – punitive damagespdf
Michaels v APN
(18 May 2010)
HC Auckland
18 May 2010
Associate Judge Abbott
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory application – indemnity costs – Defamation Act, s45 (vexatious proceeding)pdf
Lockwood Group v Small
(21 April 2010)
HC Auckland
21 April 2010
Allan J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to modify interim injunction – breach of injunctionpdf
Sebenza Investments v South Canterbury DHB
(3 March 2010)
HC Timaru
3 March 2010
Associate Judge Osborne
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Meaning – defamatory – truthpdf
Kerr v Dominion Post
(11 February 2010)
HC Wellington
11 February 2010
Dobson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to rescind order to strike out proceedingspdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(22 December 2009)
[2009] NZCA 624O'Regan, Robertson and Baragwanath JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision: Time for filing case on appeal – abandonment of appeal – whether appeal to be kept on foot or struck out – debarment order – contempt of court pdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(30 November 2009)
HC Auckland
30 November 2009
Winkelmann J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – abuse of processpdf
Copping v Nursing Council
(27 November 2009)
HC Auckland
27 November 2009
Hugh Williams J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costs pdf
Kerr v Dominion Post
(20 November 2009)
HC Wellington
20 November 2009
Dobson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – abuse of processpdf
Haden v Wells
(20 November 2009)
HC Auckland
20 November 2009,
[2010] BCL 5
Rodney Hansen J
High Court
Appeal of District Court decision: Evidence – damagespdf
Moses v Minister of Police
(20 November 2009)
HC Hamilton
20 November 2009
Associate Judge Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – publicationpdf
Verschaffelt v Sunday Star-Times
(29 October 2009)
HC Auckland
29 October 2009
Associate Judge Faire
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionpdf
Moodie v Ellis
(28 October 2009)
HC Wellington
28 October 2000
Mallon J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Defamation Act, s34 (statements in open court) pdf
Leigh v Attorney-General
(1 October 2009)
HC Wellington
14 July 2009
Dobson J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionpdf
Peters v TVNZ
(1 October 2009)
HC Auckland
1 October 2009
Andrews J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Defamation Act, s41 (leave to file notice re rebuttal of qualified privilege out of time)pdf
Sio v Samoa Multimedia
(16 September 2009)
HC Auckland
16 September 2009
Ronald Young J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to file time-barred proceeding – limitationpdf
Hallett Design Solutions v Williams
(11 September 2009)
DC Auckland
11 September 2009
Judge Joyce
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Evaluation conference – claim for recovery of professional fees – counterclaim in defamation – abuse of processpdf
Kerr v Dominion Post
(3 September 2009)
HC Wellington
3 September 2009
Simon France J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Ruling on scope of interlocutory hearingpdf
APN v Simunovich
(26 August 2009)
[2009] NZSC 93,
[2010] 1 NZLR 315
Elias CJ, Blanchard, Tipping, McGrath and Wilson JJ
Supreme Court
Appeal of Court of Appeal decision: Pleading – particulars of truth – Defamation Act, s38 (particulars of honest opinion) – repetition rule – conduct rule – tiers of meaningpdf
Korda Mentha v Siemer
(18 August 2009)
HC Auckland
18 August 2009
Cooper J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive decisionpdf
Sadiq v Baycorp
(7 August 2009)
HC Auckland
7 August 2009
Associate Judge Doogue
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding – want of prosecutionpdf
Vaughan v Christie
(23 July 2009)
HC Wellington
23 July 2009
Wild J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to apply for review of decision by Associate Judgepdf
Willy v Fairfax
(22 July 2009)
HC Wellington
22 July 2009
Simon France J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Defamation Act, s35(2) (agreed declaration following judicial conference)pdf
Leigh v Attorney-General
(14 July 2009)
HC Wellington
14 July 2009
Dobson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – slander – meaning – defamatorypdf
Firth v Allied Press
(29 June 2009)
DC Dunedin
29 June 2009,
[2010] DCR 44
Judge Kellar
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – admissibility of Law Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal decision
Vaughan v Christie
(11 June 2009)
HC Wellington
11 June 2009
Associate Judge Gendall
Hight Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Bradbury v Westpac
(8 June 2009)
[2009] NZCA 234,
[2009] 3 NZLR 400,
(2009) 19 PRNZ 385
O'Regan, Arnold and Baragwanath JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court costs decision: Indemnity costs – abandonment of claims at trial pdf
Romana v McKenzie
(3 June 2009)
HC Auckand
3 June 2009,
[2009] BCL 503
Associate Judge Abbott
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – particulars – discovery – security for costspdf
Verschaffelt v Sunday Star-Times
(14 May 2009)
HC Auckland
14 May 2009
Associate Judge Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding – want of prosecution
Chadwick v Dominion Post
(8 May 2009)
HC Wellington
8 May 2009
Ronald Young J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costs pdf
Dorbu v Cooke
(30 April 2009)
HC Auckland
30 April 2009,
[2009] BCL 474
Associate Judge Robinson
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendants – particulars – publication pdf
Moodie v Ellis
(19 March 2009)
HC Wellington
19 March 2009
Associate Judge Abbott
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Pleadings – meaning – defamatory – special damages – publication – security for costspdf
Dorbu v Cooke
(18 March 2009)
HC Auckland
18 March 2009
Associate Judge Robinson
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for adjournment – technical breach of filing requirementspdf
Moodie v Ellis
(18 March 2009)
HC Wellington
18 March 2009
Mallon J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Pleadings – publication pdf
Hong v Ahn
(24 February 2009)
HC Auckland
24 February 2009,
[2009] BCL 237
Venning J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to adduce further evidence on appeal of District Court decision pdf
McPhail v University of Auckland
(17 February 2009)
HC Auckland
17 February 2009
Associate Judge Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – meaning – particulars – publicationpdf
Sadiq v Baycorp
(16 February 2009)
HC Auckland
16 February 2009
Associate Judge Doogue
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decision – increased costspdf
Haden v Wells
(13 February 2009)
HC Auckland
13 February 2009,
[2009] BCL 214
Asher J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to adduce further evidence on appeal of District Court decision pdf
Haden v Wells
(19 January 2009)
HC Auckland
19 January 2009
Venning J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs following leave decisionpdf
Korda Mentha v Siemer
(23 December 2008)
HC Auckland
(23 August 2008)
Cooper J
High Court
Substantive decision (by formal proof): Damages – punitive damagespdf
Haden v Wells
(4 December 2008)
HC Auckland
4 December 2008,
[2009] BCL 83
John Hansen J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to appeal District Court decisionspdf
Osmose NZ v Wakeling
(3 December 2008)
HC Auckland
3 December 2008,
[2009] BCL 95
Harrison J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to commence time-barred claim against additional defendants – limitation pdf
APN v Simunovich
(1 December 2008)
[2008] NZSC 101Blanchard, Tipping and McGrath JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decisionpdf
Ahn v Lee
(25 November 2008)
DC Auckland
25 November 2008,
[2009] DCR 298
Judge Hubble
District Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – translations – defamatory – truth – liability as accessory to publication – damagespdf
Siemer v Ferrier Hodgson
(19 November 2008)
[2008] NZSC 98Blanchard, Tipping and McGrath JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decisionpdf
Cash for Scrap v Canwest TV
(17 November 2008)
HC Auckland
17 November 2008
Heath J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on discontinuance – indemnity costs – non-party costspdf
Moodie v Ellis
(13 November 2008)
HC Wellington
13 November 2008
Joe Williams J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Modifying claim of litigation privilege for discoverypdf
Sadiq v Baycorp
(5 November 2008)
HC Auckland
5 November 2008
Associate Judge Doogue
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Siemer v Ferrier Hodgson
(17 September 2008)
[2008] NZSC 72,
[2008] BCL 887
McGrath J
Supreme Court
Review of Registrar's decision: refusal to waive filing feepdf
Simunovich v TVNZ
(8 September 2008)
[2008] NZCA 350,
[2008] BCL 938
Hammond, Chisholm and Miller JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decisions: Strike out of pleadings – particulars of truth – Defamation Act, s8(3)(b) (substantial truth) – Defamation Act, s38 – particulars – discoverypdf
Kerr v Dominion Post
(14 August 2008)
[2008] NZCA 306Glazebrook, O'Regan and Robertson JJ
Court of Appeal
Leave decision: Application to appeal High Court decision refusing leave to appeal review of Associate Judge's decisionpdf
Maybury v Cook
(6 August 2008)
HC Wellington
6 August 2008
Associate Judge Gendall
Hight Court
Interlocutory decision: Discoverypdf
Wells v Haden
(30 July 2008)
DC Auckland
30 July 2008,
[2008] DCR 859
Judge Joyce
District Court
Substantive decision (by formal proof): Damages – punitive damages – mitigation – injunction pdf
Siemer v Ferrier Hodgson
(24 July 2008)
[2008] NZCA 255,
[2008] BCL 808
Hammond, Panckhurst and Miller JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – discoverypdf
Galvin v Donaldson
(21 July 2008)
DC Rotorua
21 July 2008
[2008] DCR 833
Judge McGuire
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costs
Central & Lakes Realty v Bain
(2 July 2008)
HC Dunedin
2 July 2008
Associate Judge Christiansen
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by plaintiff – meaning – defamatory – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff) – Defamation Act, s24(1) (declarations) pdf
Bradbury v Westpac
(23 May 2008)
HC Auckland
23 May 2008,
(2008) 18 PRNZ 859,
[2008] BCL 630
Harrison J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on abandoned proceeding – indemnity costs – assessment whether defamation claim was hopeless – meaning – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualified privilege – damages pdf
Kerr v Dominion Post
(8 May 2008)
HC Wellington
8 May 2008
Dobson J
High Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal High Court decision on review of Associate Judge's decisionpdf
Dorbu v General Finance
(30 April 2008)
HC Auckland
30 April 2008
Associate Judge Doogue
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – non-party discovery – relevance – Defamation Act, s30 (bad repuation)pdf
Sadiq v Baycorp
(28 April 2008)
HC Auckland
28 April 2008
Associate Judge Doogue
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on summary-judgment decisionpdf
Sadiq v Baycorp
(31 March 2008)
[2008] NZHC 403Associate Judge Doogue
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendant – publicationpdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(20 March 2008)
HC Auckland
20 March 2008
Harrison J
High Court
Interocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding – abuse of processpdf
Peters v TVNZ
(18 March 2008)
HC Auckland
18 March 2008
Woodhouse J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decision – increased costspdf
Kerr v Dominion Post
(13 March 2008)
HC Wellington
13 March 2008
Dobson J
High Court
Review of Associate Judge's decision: Security for costspdf
Simunovich v TVNZ
(15 February 2008)
HC Auckland
15 February 2008
Allan J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on interlocutory decisionspdf
Kerr v Dominion Post
(12 February 2008)
HC Wellington
12 February 2008
Associate Judge Gendall
Hight Court
Interlocutory decision: whether previous interlocutory decision should be published in view of Clean Slate legislationpdf
Wasan International v Lee
(4 February 2008)
HC Auckland
4 February 2008
Heath J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive hearing (by formal proof) – withdrawal of solicitorpdf
Kerr v Dominion Post
(28 January 2008)
HC Wellington
28 January 2008
Associate Judge Gendall
Hight Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Peters v TVNZ
(20 December 2007)
HC Auckland
20 December 2007,
[2008] NZAR 411,
[2008] BCL 230
Woodhouse J
High Court
Review of Associate Judge's decision: strike out of pleadings – meaning – defamatorypdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(14 December 2007)
[2007] NZCA 581,
[2008] 3 NZLR 22,
(2007) 18 PRNZ 817,
[2008] BCL 180
Hammond, O'Regan and Robertson JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of appeal – debarment – contemptpdf
Martin v Wall
(23 November 2007)
HC Auckland
23 November 2007
Woodhouse J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for interim injunctionpdf
Salmon v McKinnon
(20 November 2007)
[2007] NZCA 516,
[2008] BCL 148
Young P, Glazebrook and Robertson JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision: Identification – meaning – defamatory – innuendo – Defamation Act, s24 (declarations and solicitor-client costs)pdf
Attorney-General v Wright
(19 November 2007)
HC Auckland
19 November 2007
Keane J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on appeal of District Court decision – indemnity costs where actual costs lower than scale costs
Simunovich v TVNZ
(23 October 2007)
[2007] NZCA 456Young P, Glazebrook and Ellen France JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to appeal High Court interlocutory decisionpdf
Peters v TVNZ
(12 October 2007)
HC Auckland
12 October 2007
Cooper J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs following interlocutory decision – costs when indulgence has been granted
Read v Minister of Economic Development
(12 September 2007)
HC Auckland
12 September 2007
Associate Judge Gendall
Hight Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by plaintiff on liability – truth pdf
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(31 August 2007)
HC Auckland
31 August 2007
Potter J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs following interlocutory decision pdf
Attorney-General v Wright
(31 August 2007)
HC Auckland
31 August 2007,<[2007] NZAR 741,
[2007] BCL 957
Keane J
High Court
Appeal of District Court substantive decision: Rebuttal of qualified privilege – mitigationpdf
Simunovich v TVNZ (No 7)
(3 August 2007)
HC Auckland
3 August 2007
Allan J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – particulars of truth – particulars of honest opinion – statutory qualified privilegepdf
Simunovich v TVNZ (No 6)
(3 August 2007)
HC Auckland
3 August 2007
Allan J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Further and better discovery pdf
Wells v Haden
(19 July 2007)
DC Auckland
10 May 2013
Judge Sharp
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of statement of defence – unless orders
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(13 July 2007)
HC Auckland
13 July 2007
Potter J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Commital to prison for breach of injunctionpdf
Simunovich v TVNZ (No 5)
(10 July 2007)
HC Auckland
10 July 2007
Allan J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Further and better discoverypdf
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(9 July 2007)
HC Auckland
9 July 2007,
[2007] BCL 744
Potter J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Contempt – breach of injunction – commital – debarment from defending proceeding pdf
Peters v TVNZ
(1 May 2007)
HC Auckland
1 May 2007
Cooper J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to review Associate Judge's decision out of time – transfer of review to Court of Appealpdf
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(19 April 2007)
HC Auckland
19 April 2007
Rodney Hansen J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for copies of documents – strike out of pleadings – further and better discovery pdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(4 April 2007)
[2007] NZCA 117Appeal of High Court interlocutory decisions: Injunction – procedure of contempt hearing – allegation of bias of Judge – challenge of factual findings – costsAppeal of High Court interlocutory decisions: Injunction – procedure – bias – factual findings – costspdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(22 December 2006)
22 December 2006
William Young P, Glazebrook and O'Regan JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Witness summonses for evidence on appeal – application to video and webcast hearing
Osmose NZ v Wakeling
(19 December 2006)
HC Auckland
19 December 2006,
[2007] 1 NZLR 841,
[2007] BCL 190
Harrison J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of claims against third parties – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualified privlege – agency – third parties – tortfeasors – Law Reform Act, s17(1)(c) ("same damage")pdf
Wright v Attorney-General
(30 October 2006)
DC Auckland
[Unknown CIV],
30 October 2006
[Unknown Judge]
District Court
Substantive decision: Qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualified privilege – damages
Siemer v Stiassny
(26 October 2006)
26 October 2006
William Young P, Robertson and Arnold JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Removal of stay of orders of interlocutory judgment on appeal
Salmon v McKinnon
(26 October 2006)
HC Napier
29 October 2006,
[2007] BCL 13
Allan J
High Court
Substantive decision: Identification – meaning – defamatory meaning – innuendo – Defamation Act, s24 (declarations and solicitor-client costs)pdf
Siemer v Stiassny
(25 September 2006)
25 September 2006
William Young P, Robertson and Arnold JJ
Court of Appeal
Interlocutory decision: Stay of orders of interlocutory judgment on appeal
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(8 September 2006)
HC Auckland
8 September 2006
Rodney Hansen J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Meaning – defamatory – application for copies of documents – application to vary terms of interim injunctionpdf
TVNZ v Haines
(6 September 2006)
6 September 2006
Glazebrook, Chambers and Robertson JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Whether proceeding should be tried by jury or judge alonepdf
Peters v TVNZ
(30 August 2006)
HC Auckland
30 August 2006
Associate Judge Christiansen
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – meaning – defamatorypdf
New Times Media v Chinese Herald
(10 August 2006)
HC Auckland
10 August 2006
Venning J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – undue delaypdf
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(2 June 2006)
HC Auckland
2 June 2006,
[2006] BCL 635
Potter J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on contempt proceedings for breach of injunction and debarment from defending defamation proceedingpdf
Simunovich v TVNZ (No 4)
(1 June 2006)
HC Auckland
1 June 2006
Allan J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – confidentialitypdf
Salmon v McKinnon
(30 May 2006)
HC Napier
30 May 2006
Associate Judge Gendall
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Particular discovery – interrogatoriespdf
Wasan International v Lee
(19 May 2006)
HC Auckland
19 May 2006
Associate Judge Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Contempt – discovery pdf
Court v Aitken
(2 May 2006)
HC Dunedin
2 May 2006
Hansen J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on appeal of District Court decision – Defamation Act, s43(2) (grossly excessive damages)pdf
Haines v TVNZ
(5 April 2006)
HC Auckland
5 April 2006
Venning J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out – Defamation Act, s39 (notice re rebuttal of honest-opinion genuineness) – whether proceeding should be tried by jury or judge alonepdf
Court v Aitken
(31 March 2006)
HC Dunedin
31 March 2006,
[2006] NZAR 619,
[2006] BCL 413
Hansen J
High Court
Appeal of District Court substantive decision: Damages pdf
University of Newlands v Forrester
(29 March 2006)
[2006] NZSC 16,
(2006) 18 PRNZ 70
Elias CJ, McGrath and Anderson JJ
Supreme Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal Court of Appeal decision – forum non convenienspdf
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(16 March 2006)
HC Auckland
16 March 2006,
[2006] BCL 361
Potter J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Contempt – breach of injunction – commital – debarment pdf
Simunovich v TVNZ (No 3)
(14 February 2006)
HC Auckland
14 February 2006
Allan J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – Defamation Act, s38 – particulars of truth – particulars of honest opinion – pleadingspdf
Simunovich v TVNZ (No 2)
(14 February 2006)
HC Auckland
14 February 2006
Allan J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Defamation Act, s38 – strike out of pleadings – alternative meanings – particulars of truth – particulars of honest opinionpdf
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(19 December 2005)
HC Auckland
22 July 2005,
[2005] BCL 742
Ellen France J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for lay litigant to represent company – application to cross-examine deponentpdf
McIlroy v Act Party
(16 December 2005)
HC Wellington
16 December 2005
Mackenzie J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on discontinuance – indemnity costs pdf
Siemer v Ferrier Hodgson
(13 December 2005)
13 December 2005,
[2006] BCL 207
William Young, Chambers and Panckhurst JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Interim injunctionpdf
Nationwide News v University of Newlands
(9 December 2005)
9 December 2005,
[2006] BCL 203
Glazebrook, Hammond and Panckhurst JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of Associate Judge's decision: Publication – jurisdiction – forum non convenienspdf
Newlands v Parlane
(7 December 2005)
HC Hamilton
7 December 2005,
[2006] BCL 72
Ronald Young J
High Court
Appeal of District Court interlocutory decision: Defamation Act, ss39 and 41 (leave to extend time to file notices re honest opinion and rebuttal of qualifed privilege)pdf
Fabian v Canwest TV
(5 October 2005)
HC Auckland
7 December 2005
Associate Judge Doogue
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to commence time-barred proceeding – limitation pdf
TVNZ v Haines
(13 September 2005)
13 September 2005,
[2006] 2 NZLR 433
Glazebrook, Chambers and Robertson JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Truth – alternative meanings – pleading of honest opinion pdf
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(22 July 2005)
HC Auckland
22 July 2005,
[2005] BCL 742
Ellen France J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – litigation privilegepdf
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(21 July 2005)
HC Auckland
21 July 2005,
[2005] BCL 740
Ellen France J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to file affidavits out of timepdf
Tipple v Buchanan
(20 July 2005)
HC Christchurch
20 July 2005,
[2005] BCL 715
Panckhurst J
High Court
Pre-trial ruling: Admissibility of evidence of bad reputation – whether conduct subsequent to publication relevant in mitigationpdf
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(14 July 2005)
HC Auckland
14 July 2005
Keane J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to cross-examine deponents in contempt proceedingpdf
Doone v Fairfax
(6 July 2005)
HC Wellington
(6 July 2005),
(2005) 17 PRNZ 860
Miller J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on discontinuance – indemnity costspdf
McGee v Independent Newspapers
(17 June 2005)
HC Christchurch
17 June 2005,
[2006] NZAR 24,
[2005] BCL 634
Panckhurst J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Meaning – bane and antidote across multiple publications – identification across multiple publicationspdf
Hubbard v Fourth Estate
(13 June 2005)
HC Auckland
13 June 2005
Venning J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – Defamation Act, s39 (particulars of notice re rebuttal of honest-opinion genuineness and qualified privilege) pdf
Gerdelan v Problem Gambling Foundation
(7 June 2005)
HC Auckland
7 June 2005,
[2005] BCL 633
Ronald Young J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – meaning – defamatory meaning – pleadings of aggravated damagespdf
Tennant v Simes
(20 May 2005)
HC Hamilton
20 May 2005
Simon France J
High Court
Appeal of District Court costs decision: Costs on discontinuancepdf
Simunovich v TVNZ
(5 May 2005)
HC Auckland
5 May 2005,
[2005] 3 NZLR 134,
[2005] BCL 520
Allan J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – honest opinionpdf
Ferrier Hodgson v Siemer
(5 May 2005)
HC Auckland
5 May 2005
Ellen France J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to rescind interim injunction – application for varied interim injunction pdf
Simes v Tennant
(28 April 2005)
28 April 2005,
(2005) 17 PRNZ 684,
[2005] BCL 460
McGrath, Hammond and O'Regan JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision granting leave for extension of time to appeal costs decision of District Courtpdf
Doone v Fairfax
(26 April 2005)
26 April 2005,
(2005) 17 PRNZ 575
Hammond, Young and O'Regan JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court pre-trial ruling: Jurisdiction – adjournmentpdf
Barry Blake Associates v Consumer Institute
(23 February 2005)
HC Auckland
23 February 2005,
[2005] BCL 270
Wild J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for interim injunctionpdf
Order of St John Northern Regional Trust v Gemini
(12 April 2005)
HC Auckland
12 April 2005
Rodney Hansen J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – particulars – discovery pdf
Mirica v TVNZ
(22 February 2005)
HC Auckland
22 February 2005
Lang J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Hubbard v Fourth Estate
(16 February 2005)
HC Auckland
16 February 2005
Venning J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – abuse of process – Defamation Act, s43(1) (specification of damages against news medium) pdf
Tennant v Simes
(11 November 2004)
HC Hamilton
11 November 2004
Potter J
High Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal District Court costs decision out of timepdf
Peters v TVNZ
(5 November 2004)
HC Auckland
5 November 2004
Paterson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – meaning – defamatory meaning – Defamation Act, s43(1) (specification of damages against news medium; interpretation where both media and non-media defendants)pdf
Jacques v Ward
(4 October 2004)
HC Palmerston North
4 October 2004
Gendall J
High Court
Appeal of District Court substantive decision: Slander – proof of publicationpdf
Gibson v Blunt
(4 October 2004)
HC Auckland
4 October 2004,
[2004] BCL 1012
Randerson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to commence time-barred proceeding – limitationpdf
New Times Media v Chinese Herald
(9 September 2004)
HC Auckland
9 September 2004,
[2004] BCL 890
Associate Judge Lang
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to commence time-barred counterclaim – limitationpdf
University of Newlands v Nationwide News
(17 August 2004)
HC Wellington
17 August 2004,
(2004) 17 PRNZ 206
Associate Judge Gendall
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for dismissal or stay of proceedings – jurisdiction – forum non convenienspdf
Cooper v Mountain Scene
(5 August 2004)
HC Invercargill
5 August 2004
Panckhurst J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Defamation Act, s39 (leave to file notice re rebuttal of honest-opinion genuinenessout of time)pdf
Jennings v Buchanan
(14 July 2004)
[2004] NZPC 4,
[2004] UKPC 36,
[2005] 2 NZLR 577,
[2004] BCL 710,
[2005] 1 AC 115,
[2005] 2 All ER 273,
[2004] All ER (D) 247 (Jul),
[2004] 3 WLR 1163,
[2004] EMLR 42
Lord Bingham, Lord Scott, Lord Walker, Baroness Hale and Dame Sian Elias
Privy Council
Appeal of Court of Appeal decision following High Court substantive decision: Absolute privilege – pleading of slanderpdf
New Times Media v Chinese Herald
(24 June 2004)
HC Auckland
24 June 2004,
Associate Judge Lang
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – whether counsel has authority to act – identification – security for costs – application to file counterclaimpdf
Wasan International v Lee
(26 May 2004)
HC Auckland
26 May 2004
Associate Judge Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery – truthpdf
Chinese Herald v New Times Media
(13 May 2004)
HC Auckland
13 May 2004
Paterson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to stay judgmentpdf
Karam v ACP (No 3)
(27 April 2004)
HC Auckland
27 April 2004,
[2004] BCL 552
Heath J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for determination of a preliminary question – qualified privilege pdf
Alexander v Clegg
(25 March 2004)
25 March 2004,
[2004] 3 NZLR 586,
[2004] BCL 412,
[2004] BCL 649
Keith, Anderson and Glazebrook JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualified privilege – Defamation Act, s41 (failure to file notice re rebuttal of qualified privilege) – damagespdf
Haines v TVNZ
(12 March 2004)
HC Auckland
CP 89-SD02,
12 March 2004,
[2004] NZAR 513
Venning J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Preliminary determinations – meaning – alternative meanings – truth – honest opinion (whether defence on basis of meanings or actual words in publication)pdf
Karam v ACP (No 2)
(11 March 2004)
HC Auckland
11 March 2004,
[2004] 2 NZLR 749,
[2004] BCL 371
Heath J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costs – costs on interlocutory applications – Defamation Act, s35(2)(c) (Court's power to order admission of fact)pdf
Chinese Herald v New Times Media
(11 March 2004)
HC Auckland
11 March 2004,
[2004] 2 NZLR 749,
[2004] BCL 371
Paterson J
High Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory – damages – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff) – punitive damages – costspdf
Karam v ACP (No 1)
(19 February 2004)
HC Auckland
19 February 2004
Heath J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Joinder pdf
Chinese Herald v New Times Media
(9 February 2004)
HC Auckland
9 February 2004,
[2004] BCL 224
Paterson J
High Court
Trial ruling (reasons): Adjournmentpdf
Mahuika v Donnelly
(11 December 2003)
HC Auckland
11 December 2003,
[2004] BCL 183
Hansen J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by counterclaim defendants – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff)pdf
Jacques v Ward
(2 December 2003)
DC Palmerston North
[unknown CIV],
2 December 2003
Judge Ross
District Court
Palmerston North
Substantive decision: Slander – credibility
Technic Bitumen v Shell
(11 November 2003)
HC Wellington
11 November 2003
Goddard J
High Court
Review of Master's decision: Strike out of proceeding – want of prosecutionpdf
Chinese Herald v New Times Media
(31 October 2003)
HC Auckland
31 October 2003,
[2004] BCL 22
Harrison J
High Court
Review of Master's decision: leave to file amended statement of defence – qualified privilege – qualified privilege (reply to attack) – rebuttal of qualified privilege pdf
King v TV3
(14 October 2003)
14 October 2003,
(2003) 16 PRNZ 985,
[2003] BCL 1030
Keith, Tipping and Anderson JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – negligencepdf
H v Auckland DHB
(26 September 2003)
DC Auckland
[2004] DCR 509
Judge Joyce
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Leave to commence time-barred proceedings – limitation
Kerr v Attorney-General
(24 September 2003)
HC Wellington
24 September 2003,
[2003] BCL 985
Wild J
High Court
Review of Master's decision: security for costspdf
Karam v ACP
(12 September 2003)
HC Auckland
12 September 2003
Chambers J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – meaning – whether whole article can be pleaded – ambiguous meanings – repetitious meaningspdf
Alexander v Clegg
(24 July 2003)
HC Auckland
24 July 2003,
(2003) 16 PRNZ 912
Salmon J
High Court
Costs decision: Expert witness feespdf
New Times Media v Chinese Herald
(26 May 2003)
HC Auckland
26 May 2003
Master Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Consolidation of proceedingspdf
Technic Bitumen v Shell
(23 May 2003)
HC Wellington
CP 192/99,
23 May 2003,
[2002] 3 NZLR 145,
[2003] BCL 626
Master Gendall
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding – want of prosecution pdf
Davis v Independent Newspapers
(16 May 2003)
HC Auckland
CP 67SD-02
Master Lang
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on review of non-party's compliance with discovery orderpdf
Kerr v Attorney-General
(10 April 2003)
HC Wellington
CP 109/00,
10 April 2003
Master Gendall
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Sweeney v Pauanui Publishing
(4 April 2003)
HC Auckland
CP 280-SD02,
4 April 2003,
[2003] BCL 531
Master Lang
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – malicious falsehood – particulars of special damage or pecuniary loss – particulars of malicepdf
Davis v Independent Newspapers (No 2)
(12 March 2003)
HC Auckland
CP 67-SD02,
12 March 2003,
[2003] BCL 369
Master Lang
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Review of non-party's compliance with discovery orderpdf
Davis v Independent Newspapers (No 1)
(12 March 2003)
HC Auckland
CP 67-SD02,
12 March 2003,
[2003] BCL 369
Master Lang
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
McVeagh v Attorney-General
(7 March 2003)
HC Auckland
CP 186-SD02,
7 March 2003
Master Lang
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – no cause of action pleaded pdf
Julian v TVNZ
(25 February 2003)
HC Auckland
CP 367-SD01,
25 February 2003
Salmon J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for determination of a preliminary question - meaning - defamatory meaning - particulars of truth - fact or facts and circumstances - honest opinion - whether words fact or opinion - qualifed privilege - fair and accurate reportpdf
Hill v Morrison
(12 December 2002)
HC Christchurch
CP 30/02,
12 December 2002
Chisholm J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
King v TV3
(1 October 2002)
HC Wellington
CP 86/01,
1 October 2002,
[2002] BCL 1066
Wild J
High Court
Review of Master's decision: strike out of pleadings – negligence pdf
Hall v Fourth Estate
(9 August 2002)
HC Auckland
CP 476/00,
9 August 2002,
[2002] BCL 869
Randerson J
High Court
Trial ruling: Leave to amend statement of claim – aggravated damagespdf
Vague v Banks
(2 August 2002)
DC Auckland
2 August 2002,
[2002] DCR 782
Judge McElrea
District Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendant – honest opinion
Manning v TV3
(25 July 2002)
HC Christchurch
CP 143/99,
25 July 2012,
[2002] BCL 842
Hansen J
High Court
Review of Master's interlocutory decision: strike out of pleadings – evidence of truth as mitigation – Defamation Act, s30 (bad reputation) pdf
Alexander v Clegg
(12 July 2002)
HC Auckland
CP 285-SD99,
12 July 2002,
[2002] BCL 841
Salmon J
High Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory – truth – honest opinion – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualified privilege – Defamation Act, s41 (failure to file notice re rebuttal of qualified privilege) – malicious falsehood – damagespdf
Midland Metals v Christchurch Press
(20 June 2002)
HC Christchurch
CP 68/99
Master Venning
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discovery
Chinese Herald v New Times Media
(17 June 2002)
HC Auckland
17 June 2002
Master Gambrill
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Consolidation of proceedingspdf
Jennings v Buchanan
(23 May 2002)
23 May 2002,
[2002] BCL 647
Richardson P, Gault, Keith, Blanchard and Tipping JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court substantive decision: Absolute privilege pdf
Alexander v Clegg
(8 May 2002)
HC Auckland
CP 285-SD/99
Salmon J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Issue estoppelpdf
Tairawhiti DHB v Perks
(11 March 2002)
HC Gisborne
CP 2/01,
11 March 2002,
[2002] NZAR 23,
[2002] BCL 428
Paterson J
High Court
Substantive decision: Publication – identification – meaning – defamatory – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff) – Defamation Act, s24(1) (declarations)pdf
Midland Metals v Christchurch Press
(6 March 2002)
HC Christchurch
CP 68/99,
6 March 2002
(2002) 16 PRNZ 107
Chisholm J
High Court
Review of Master's decision: Application to have evidence taken overseaspdf
Manning v TV3
(25 February 2002)
HC Christchurch
CP 143/99,
25 February 2002,
[2002] BCL 378
Master Venning
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – Defamation Act, s30 (bad reputation)pdf
Tipple v Buchanan
(30 January 2002)
HC Christchurch
CP 51/01,
30 January 2002
Chisholm J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendants – statutory immunity – statutory qualified privilege – determination of preliminary question – meaningpdf
Kennedy v Foote
(17 January 2002)
HC Rotorua
17 January 2002
Master Kennedy-Grant
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on discontinuancepdf
King v TV3
(20 December 2001)
HC Wellington
CP 86/2001,
20 December 2001
Master Thomson
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – negligencepdf
Butler v Sherry
(19 December 2001)
HC Wellington
CP 152/02,
19 December 2001
Master Thomson
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – negligencepdf
Imperial Consolidated Group v Stewart
(18 December 2001)
HC Dunedin
CP 45/99,
18 December 2001
William Young J
High Court
Substantive decision: Meaning – truth – honest opinionpdf
Hall v Fourth Estate
(3 December 2001)
HC Auckland
CP 475-SD/00,
3 December 2001
Salmon J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for determination of preliminary issue – punitive damages – aggravated damagespdf
TVNZ v Ah Koy
(26 November 2001)
26 November 2001,
[2002] 2 NZLR 616,
[2002] BCL 112
Tipping, McGrath and William Young JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Availability of lesser meanings – particulars of truth – mitigation by other publications – mitigation by offer of interviewpdf
Mitchell v Sprott
(15 November 2001)
15 November 2001,
[2002] 1 NZLR 766,
[2002] BCL 21
Richardson P, Blanchard and McGrath JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendant – honest opinion – whether expression of opinion to be found in words complained of or the pleaded meanings – Defamation Act, s39 (notice re rebuttal of honest-opinion genuineness)pdf
Edwards v TVNZ
(14 November 2001)
HC Auckland
CP 517-IM/01,
14 November 2001
Salmon J
High Court
Interlocutory application: Application for leave to cross-examine deponents in pre-commencement discovery applicationpdf
Sreka Industries v Opus International
(6 November 2001)
HC Wellington
CP 276/00,
6 November 2001
Master Thomson
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – failure to plead exact words complained of – negligence pdf
Communications Trumps v Rural News
(5 November 2001)
DC Auckland
NP 2063/99,
5 November 2001,
[2002] DCR 190
Judge Cadenhead
District Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive decision – corporate plaintiff – Defamation Act, s24(2) (solicitor-client costs on making of declaration)
Midland Metals v Christchurch Press
(24 October 2001)
24 October 2001,
[2002] 2 NZLR 289,
[2001] BCL 1087
Gault, Keith, Blanchard, Tipping and McGrath JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal and cross-appeal of High Court interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – claim for negligence arising from untrue statement – claim under the Human Rights Act – aggravated damages – punitive damages – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff) – slander of goods vs defamationpdf
Communications Trumps v Fitzsimons
(1 October 2001)
HC Wellington
CP 111/99,
1 October 2001
Master Thomson
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendants – honest opinionpdf
Tairawhiti DHB v Perks
(26 September 2001)
HC Gisborne
CP 2/01,
26 September 2001,
[2002] NZAR 23,
[2001] BCL 1086
Hugh Williams J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – whether claim by corporate plaintiff survives its stirking off of Company Register – meaning – whether plaintiffs intend to proceed to trial – aggravated damages – punitive damages – application by plaintiff for order of retraction and apologypdf
Ti Leaf Productions v Baikie
(17 September 2001)
17 September 2001,
[2001] BCL 959,
(2001) 7 NZBLC 103,464
Gault, Thomas and Keith JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal and cross-appeal of High Court substantive decision: Breach of contract – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of body corporate) – costs (effect of Calderbank offer)pdf
Travers v TVNZ
(4 September 2001)
HC Auckland
CP 92-SD00,
4 September 2001,
(2001) 15 PRNZ 530
John Hansen J
High Court
Interocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding – Defamation Act, s50 (want of prosecution)pdf
Manning v TV3
(31 August 2001)
HC Christchurch
CP 143/99,
31 August 2001,
[2003] NZAR 328,
[2001] BCL 910
Panckhurst and William Young J
High Court
Review of Master's decision: Ambit of Defamation Act, s8(3)(b) (substantial truth)pdf
O'Brien v Brown
(31 August 2001)
DC Palmerston North
NP 79/00,
31 August 2001,
[2001] DCR 1065
Judge Ross
District Court
Palmerston North
Substantive decision: Meaning – defamatory – truth – honest opinion – qualified privilege – rebuttal of qualified privilege – damages – punitive damagespdf
Midland Metals v Christchurch Press
(2 August 2001)
HC Christchurch
CP 68/99,
2 August 2001,
[2001] BCL 808,
(2001 PRNZ 522
Master Venning
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application to have evidence taken overseaspdf
Douglas v McKenzie
(25 July 2001)
HC Auckland
M 1415-SD00,
25 July 2001,
[2002] NZAR 17,
[2001] BCL 866
Master Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for stay of proceedingpdf
Thomas v Pauanui Publishing
(26 June 2001)
HC Auckland
CP 393/98,
26 June 2001
Master Kennedy-Grant
High Court
Interlocutory decison: Application by defendants for summary judgment – strike out of proceeding – truth – honest opinion – qualified privilege – security for costspdf
Franks v Waikato Ethnic Council Inc
(22 June 2001)
HC Hamilton
CP 11/01,
22 June 2001,
(2001) 15 PRNZ 396
Chambers J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – whether defamation claim can be brought alongside application for judicial reviewpdf
Reeves v Mace
(15 June 2001)
HC Tauranga
CP 22/00,
15 June 2001,
[2001] BCL 688
Priestley J
High Court
Substantive decision: Damages – punitive damages – permanent injunctionpdf
Russell v Attorney-General
(6 June 2001)
HC Auckland
CP 254/94,
6 June 2001
Master Kennedy-Grant
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding – limitation – want of prosecution – Defamation Act, s50 (application of want-of-prosecution provision to interlocutory application)pdf
Rural News v Communications Trumps
(5 June 2001)
HC Auckland
AP 404/167/00
Fisher J
High Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal to Court of Appeal – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff – truth – new evidencepdf
Harvey Corporation v Moffat
(31 May 2001)
HC Auckland
CP 602sd99,
31 May 2001
Master Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – adjournment – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff)pdf
Roncelli v Wall
(18 May 2001)
HC Christchurch
AP 5/01,
18 May 2001,
[2001] BCL 583
Young J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for leave to appeal District Court interlocutory decision out of time – limitationpdf
Hussey v National Bank
(18 May 2001)
HC Dunedin
CP 57/00,
18 May 2001
Master Venning
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendants – limitation – truthpdf
Earl v Baddeley
(18 May 2001)
HC Auckland
CP 583-SD00,
18 May 2001,
[2001] BCL 548
Nicholson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – alternative causes of action for breach of confidence and invasion of privacypdf
Manning v TV3
(23 April 2001)
HC Christchurch
CP 143/99,
23 April 2001,
[2001] BCL 460
Master Venning
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – truth – ambit of Defamation Act, s8(3)(b) (substantial truth)pdf
Rural News v Communications Trumps
(4 April 2001)
HC Auckland
AP 167-SW00,
4 April 2001,
[2001] BCL 459
Anderson J
High Court
Appeal of District Court substantive decision: Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff) – truth – Defamation Act, s46 (defence in relation to commencement of separate proceedings) – Defamation Act, s24(2) (solicitor-client costs on making of declaration)pdf
Buchanan v Jennings
(4 April 2001)
HC Wellington
CP 109/98,
4 April 2001,
[2001] 3 NZLR 71,
[2001] BCL 417
Heron J
High Court
Substantive decision: Absolute privilege – damagespdf
Ross v Ross
(27 March 2001)
HC Auckland
CP 219-sd00,
27 March 2001
Master Kennedy-Grant
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for stay of proceeding brought by spouse – whether proceeding has substantial benefit pdf
Ah Koy v TVNZ
(15 March 2001)
HC Auckland
M 852/00,
15 March 2001,
[2001] BCL 374
Anderson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – particulars of truth – Defamation Act, s38 (facts and circumstances) – meaning – tiers of meaning – damages – Defamation Act, s30 (bad reputation) – Defamation Act, 31 (other evidence in mitigation) pdf
Collecutt v TVNZ
(26 February 2001)
HC Auckland
CP 48-SD00,
26 February 2001
Master Kennedy-Grant
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Vickery v McLean
(1 March 2001)
1 March 2001
Gault, Thomas, Keith, Blanchard and Tipping JJ
Court of Appeal
Costs decision: Costs on appeal of High Court decisionpdf
Kerr v Attorney-General
(1 March 2001)
HC Wellington
CP 109/00,
1 March 2001
Master Thomson
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Discoverypdf
Pauanui Publishing v Dyer Whitechurch & Bhanabhai
(15 February 2001)
15 February 2001
Gault, Keith and Tipping J
Court of Appeal
Costs decision: Costs on abandoned appeal
Breitmeyer v Christchurch Press
(7 February 2001)
HC Christchurch
CP 175/99,
7 February 2000,
(2001) 15 PRNZ 170
Master Venning
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Security for costspdf
Woodroffe v TVNZ
(15 December 2000)
HC Auckland
CP 656/93,
15 December 2000
Fisher J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of proceeding – want of prosecutionpdf
Weir v Karam
(13 December 2000)
HC Auckland
CP 139/98,
13 December 2000,
[2001] BCL 211
Anderson J
High Court
Costs decision: Costs on substantive decision and post-trial interlocutory application – costs of third partypdf
Sprott v Mitchell
(12 December 2000)
HC Auckland
CP 193-sd00,
12 December 2000
Master Kennedy-Grant
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendant – meaning – truth – honest opinion – whether expression of opinion to be assessed from words complained of or pleaded meaningspdf
Midland Metals v Christchurch Press
(11 December 2000)
HC Christchurch
CP 68/99,
11 December 2000,
[2001] BCL 129
Chisholm J
High Court
Review of Master's decision: damages – exacerbation of harm – negligence – disclosure of lost profitspdf
Communications Trumps v Rural News
(11 December 2000)
DC Auckland
NP 2063/99,
11 December 2000,
[2001] DCR 418
Judge Cadenhead
District Court
Substantive decision: Corporate plaintiff – meaning – defamatory – truth – honest opinion – Defamation Act, s46 (consolidation) – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss) – Defamation Act, s24 (declarations and solicitor-client costs)
Alexander v Clegg
(6 December 2000)
HC Auckland
CP 285-SD00,
6 December 2000
Master Gambrill
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Pleadings – particulars of truth – particulars of damagespdf
Vickery v McLean
(20 November 2000)
20 November 2000,
[2006] NZAR 481,
[2001] BCL 56
Gault, Thomas, Keith, Blanchard and Tipping JJ
Court of Appeal
Appeal of High Court interlocutory decision following jury trial: Qualified privilege (ambit of political discussion)pdf
O'Regan v Radio Network
(25 October 2000)
HC Wellington
CP 224/97,
25 October 2000,
[2001] 1 NZLR 568,
[2000] BCL 1040
Wild J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Whether proceeding should be tried by jury or judge alone – Defamation Act, s26 (correction recommendations)pdf
Technic Bitumen Pacific v Shell
(3 October 2000)
HC Wellington
CP 192/99,
3 October 2000
Wild J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for extension of time to appeal – security for costs – third party notice – discoverypdf
Ti Leaf Productions v Baikie
(3 October 2000)
HC Christchurch
CP 9/97,
3 October 2000
Panckhurst J
High Court
Substantive decision: Breach of contract – qualified privilege – Defamation Act, s6 (pecuniary loss of corporate plaintiff)pdf
Weir v Karam
(20 September 2000)
HC Auckland
CP 139/98,
20 September 2000,
[2000] BCL 956
Anderson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision following jury trial: Application for retrial – meaning – honest opinionpdf
Technic Bitumen Pacific v Shell
(31 August 2000)
HC Wellington
CP 192/99,
31 August 2000,
[2000] BCL 909
Wild J
High Court
Review of Master's decision: Joinderpdf
Buchanan v Jennings
(25 August 2000)
HC Wellington
CP 109/98,
25 August 2000,
[2000] BCL 838
Heron J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Application for judge-alone trialpdf
Manning v TV3
(21 August 2000)
HC Christchurch
CP 143/99,
21 August 2000
Master Venning
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Interrogatories – particulars of truthpdf
Gorman v TV3
(11 August 2000)
HC Auckland
CP 377/SD99,
11 August 2000
Hugh Williams J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Meaningpdf
Ah Koy v TVNZ
(12 July 2000)
HC Auckand
M 852-SD00,
12 July 2000
Anderson J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Meaningpdf
Breitmeyer v Christchurch Press
(30 June 2000)
HC Christchurch
CP 175/99,
30 June 2000,
[2000] BCL 673
Master Venning
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by defendant – qualified privilege – statutory qualified privilegepdf
Healey v Sturt
(28 June 2000)
HC Auckland
M 1477-SD99,<28 June 2000,
[2000] BCL 803
Master Gambrill
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Defamation Act, s37(1) (particulars of meaning) – security for costspdf
DWB v Pauanui Publishing
(27 June 2000),
[2000] BCL 750
HC Auckland
M 1736im99,
27 June 2000
Master Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by plaintiff – Defamation Act, s24 (declarations and solicitor-client costs) – whether appropriate to give summary judgment on part of claim – truth – qualified privilegepdf
Lange v Atkinson (No 2)
(21 June 2000)
21 June 2000,
[2000] 3 NZLR 385,
[2000] BCL 624
Richardson P Henry, Keith, Blanchard and Tipping JJ
Court of Appeal
Rehearing of appeal on remittal by Privy Council: Qualified privilege (political discussion) – rebuttal of qualified privilegepdf
McLean v Vickery
(29 May 2000)
HC Auckland
CP 283/97,
29 May 2000,
[2000] BCL 580
Hammond J
High Court
Interlocutory decision following jury trial: Qualified privilegepdf
Barker v Black
(8 May 2000)
HC Dunedin
CP 24/99,
8 May 2000,
[2000] BCL 492
Master Venning
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Pleadings – particulars – Defamation Act, ss30 and 42 (particulars of bad reputation)pdf
Dyer Whitechurch & Bhanabhai v Pauanui Publishing
(13 April 2000)
HC Auckland
M 1736im99,
13 April 2000,
[2000] BCL 475,
(2000) 14 PRNZ 568
Master Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Summary judgment by plaintiff – non-party discovery – cross-examination of deponentpdf
Buchanan v Jennings
(11 April 2000)
HC Wellington
CP 109/98,
11 April 2000
Neazor J
High Court
Leave decision: Application to appeal High Court interlocutory decision: Absolute privilege pdf
PPCS v NZ Rural Press
(14 March 2000)
HC Auckland
CP 412/SD99,
14 March 2000,
[2000] BCL 343
Cartwright J
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Defamation Act, ss26 and 27 (correction recommendations) – meaningpdf
McSkimming v Mitchell
(14 March 2000)
HC Dunedin
AP 47/99,
14 March 2000
Young J
High Court
Appeal and cross-appeal of District Court substantive decision: Costs against legally aided defendant – punitive damagespdf
Midland Metals v Christchurch Press
(8 March 2000)
HC Christchurch
CP 68/99,
8 March 2000,
[2000] BCL 420
Master Venning
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – exacerbation of harm – punitive damages – malicious falsehood – claim under Human Rights Act – negligence – security for costs – particualrs regarding damages – truth – honest opinion – Defamation Act, s39 (leave to file notice re rebuttal of honest-opinion genuineness out of time) pdf
Manning v TV3
(4 February 2000)
HC Christchurch
CP 143/99,
4 February 2000
Master Venning
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Defamation Act, s37(1) (particulars of meaning)pdf
Young v Ross
(17 January 2000)
HC Hamilton
CP 4/97,
17 January 2000
Master Faire
High Court
Interlocutory decision: Strike out of pleadings – qualified privilege – honest opinion – Defamation Act, ss39 and 41 (leave to file notices re rebuttal of honest-opinion genuineness and qualified privilege out of time)pdf